Chapter 28

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A few days had passed in Central City and Barry had just met Jay Garrick and he did not like him at all

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A few days had passed in Central City and Barry had just met Jay Garrick and he did not like him at all. Not to mention they had been so busy with Zoom that Barry hadn't got a chance to take his daughter to get things for her new room.

The most he could do was him and Iris showing her around the city that was till there was a crime and they needed a CSI and he had to leave, so the girls ended up having a girls day they went and got their nails and hair done not to mention they went shopping. For a couple things they left in Paris, and Iris being a girl knew exactly how to help which ones to get.

So now when Barry had promised his daughter to take her shopping for her he had to deal with a guy named Sand Demon instead of spending the day with Marinette. As far as she knew, she had to stay away from Metas and to run away from danger, not to mention stay close to an adult.

"Barry what's wrong? You've been upset all morning" Caitlyn asked looking up from her computer. "I was supposed to spend the day with Marinette instead of tracking down a meta." he said.

"Where is she now?" Cisco asked joining the conversation "she's with Joe and if I'm right he probably showed her some pictures from the albums, when me and Iris were kids" he answered.

"Why don't I go look after her that way Joe can go to the station and you can keep working with Jay on throwing lightning and if she asks we can say there was a big problem at work and you will be back later." Caitlyn suggested totally not the fact that Iris wouldn't stop talking about how cute Marinette was.

"That would be great actually, wait what are you guys going to do" Barry questioned. "Why don't I take her shopping and you can decorate the room with her instead? That way you don't have to spend nearly an hour deciding over paint." Caitlyn replied.

Barry nodded, "I remember when Joe, Iris and I would go shopping for a school project Iris couldn't choose a shade of pink she liked. We ended up staying there for nearly two hours and in the end she chose light blue" he said.

Cisco chuckled "remind me never to go shopping with Iris that sounds like a nightmare"
Cisco said opening a lollipop.

Once Caitlyn reached the West home she knocked on the door and entered after hearing a come in, when she went inside she saw Joe sitting next to a kid that was tiny and they were watching Cinderella.

"Hey Caitlyn, what are you doing here?" asked slightly worried for his adopted son. "Everythings fine, I just wanted to meet the little princess Iris and Barry won't stop talking about, that and he asked me to take her shopping for her new room, while you go to the station." he said and nodded "Marinette meet Caitlyn she's a friend of your dads" Joe introduced the two.

"Hi" Marinette said with a small wave, "hello, you're just as cute as your dad says you are'' Marinette giggled at that "he also asked me to take you shopping for your new room. How does that sound?" she asked and Marinette nodded "will dad come to" she asked Caitlyn shook her head "there was a problem at work and he said he would help you put your room together" she said and Marinette nodded with that the two girls left for a dad filled with shopping.

Hey guys,

How are you all? Anyway, how was the chapter?

Also do you guys have any idea what Ciso would call Marinette as a nickname? I can't think of anything to leave your ideas in the comments.

Enjoy reading :)

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