I think Yuno hates me

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Asta's breathing was irregular as he crouched. Sharp, ragged breathing. His heart felt like it was on tachycardia. He hid behind a bush near an entrance of a cave, staring into the dark, starry landscape where a tall and lean figure stood hovering with his wind magic, allowing to be showered by the moon dappled light, searching. Searching for him. 

'Why is he looking for me?'

He watched as the familiar tall man glided inches from the ground, landing with a thud on a clearing. The moon light making a clear view of infuriation etched across his features.

How did this all start? 


Asta didn't know what got him to start thinking... to start feeling intimidated by him. Yuno has always been quiet and distant towards him ever since the grimoire receiving ceremony. He still remembers that damn day when he didn't get his grimoire in front of everyone and Yuno just walked right past him without saying anything. Nothing. Not even look at him. Barely even a consoling look at all. Straight up ignore. 

'Did...did he look down on me? Is...is he ashamed of me? No, this is Yuno, we've been together forever...why would he? Sure people grow up... Is he growing away from me? No, it can't be...why would he? After all I helped him with, protected him, we were close, ever so close...but now...it's like he doesn't give a damn about me anymore. 

That arrogant piece of jerk he is. Always is. I'll show him. I'll be better than him...Or at least closely as good as him. This is only the start. I'll gain respect from him! I'll show him!' 

Asta pumped himself everyday with many vigorous exercises from push-ups to sit-ups to ten minute planks. The memories flood through his mind, coursing through his veins giving a heavy dose of motivation to push him pass his limits. 'Mada da!' he draws through his breaths.

Asta never stopped trying and by that he got promising results. Every time he met Yuno with his team, he was always stronger than before. He began feeling like he belonged. The stronger the better... am I right? 


A bunch of air leaves his lungs in one quick motion without him having the opportunity to keep some in.

'Ah right... that word, Baka... I've been known that too. I'm pretty sure Yuno thinks low of me because of that,' Asta's mind whirls with the thought. 

He gasps for air as he sits up, shirtless, body drenched from sweat. Her face, a slight shade of red approached him with a great feel of apathy to show, 'Can you stop exercising for once. We're supposed to go to the black market with Vanessa-senpai in a few minutes.' Noelle reminds, arms folded across her chest.

It gets to me sometimes... being called baka. I don't mind Noelle calling me it tho. It sounds harmless when ushered from her mouth... a raillery.

Regrettably, it's because of that that people don't take him too seriously. Asta has heard Yuno utter to his squad, mainly towards Klaus, about his unprofessional behavior. Just giving them a reason why he's like this-

He still remembers, like cement plastered to his mind, when they were at the royal capital after the dungeons mission. He was having a gallant time gorging down his meat while people commented. Of course he bloody well heard Yuno utter an excuse calling him barbaric, but of course he didn't bother much of it. 

Asta never did. He seriously didn't bother about it until the Sea Bed Temple mission. Captain Yami grabbed his head in a bone crushing grip probing whether he was an idiot. Only because he tried to wrap around the meaning behind Vetto's reason of despair. His deep thinking got his skull crushed and a question for him to keep a reputation of his low mental capabilities. Reluctantly, he allowed himself to reply agreeing which got his head released from the grip.

Idiots shouldn't think too hard about stuff like that, idiot

...It stuck

But no, he pushed it aside, he won't be bothered by it. It was all banter. He's his captain. He brought him to the squad when no one else did. 

However, what really got to him was when his best friend, his first friend, Yuno... straight up told Asta he was ignoring him. It was during the new year's magic knights selection exam. Asta went over to greet him. His smile heartwarmingly wholesome; arms flailing left and right beckoning and calling out to him but to only meet with the tall man's back and a defiant declaration that he's ignoring him; shrugging him off. Of course he continued and persisted on speaking with him until the little tension broke when he swung his body to look at the shorter one as they both did their little bickers of who will be the Magic Emperor until Yuno walked on his way with the sylph floating on his left shoulder. 

Nonetheless, those words were like a worm on a hook. Those words were placed on a hook ready to be taken away never to be remembered. Pushed out of his memory. Feeding it to the fish... or in proper words, in the depths of his mind. However, the fish seemed to be tired of it. Tired of eating out those words. Tired of eating the same worm. Instead, they leave the worm, not taking it. The worm... the words, Yuno's words never got pushed down. It stuck there, like the worm stuck on the hook. Just dangling out in the open. 


What did I do?

Is he tired of me?

Yuno's detest look flashed through his mind as he recalled their last meet up a week ago.


Asta got out of the shower as he got himself ready; wearing his tank top and Black Bull's robe over it, for his night out to the black market with Noelle and Vanessa-senpai.

'I'm ready!' Asta called out to both the women as he walked out from the Base's entrance. His smile as contagious as ever as he hopped onto his sword ready to fly.


Author's note:

I have absolutely no idea if anyone is going to read this but I'm going to write it no matter what. Yuno ignoring Asta was an actual scene on episode 152 of the anime, so it was a great area for me to get ground for writing on that. I'll immensely appreciate it if you comment on the story. It's a great boost that I know people are reading it and liking it :)

Also, I made the art on top of this page and book cover :D


This story is placed after the Spade Kingdom arc. Imagine Asta in this story, muscular (like his normal self) but not too bulky. Thin but muscle arms? Like the body during the Ladros fight? Think that  (if you want)
 Also he's as tall as Noelle in my story.


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