Was that a kiss?

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"You're avoiding me, Asta . . . Asta! Look at me! Even your eyes are trying to avoid mine!"

Asta startled by the sudden outburst, snapped his eyes up once again which are starting to hurt.

"Happy now?" he shot back.

Yuno only growled, shaking his head, "Stop being so troubling!"

"You're the one who's making this so difficult!" Asta said, getting equally as annoyed.

"No, stop it! Don't argue about this. You're changing the subject. You're avoiding my question again!"

"Which was?"

"What's up with you, Asta?"

oh . . .

"Nothing! I'm fine!"


Yuno bent down lower, huffing in big breaths which traveled to Asta's neck, feeling the subtle touches that tickled his skin.

Yuno squinted in the dark, analysing Asta's body under him until it fell on a dark stain that tainted his white shirt.

"What's this?" Yuno said, gently lifting a hand to touch Asta's stomach.

Asta only flinched at the touch, blood pulsating from the change of Yuno's voice. He suddenly felt a hand move under his shirt as the fabric rubbed against his skin, pulling it up.

"H - Hey! W - What are you doing?"

Yuno didn't say anything as he noticed the scratch mark where drops of blood have seeped out onto Asta's hip. He shook his head at the sight where Asta could only see the ends of his hair sway in the dark.

"Careless . . ." He heard Yuno mumble.


"You injured yourself while you ran away from me . . ." Yuno said, slightly hurt at that.

Asta could only take so many sharp breaths at once. Gulping hard on the cold air, he managed to choke out in a hurried way that didn't sound at all convincing, "I got it from my training! I like to train hard, you know? A - And that running was exercise, n - not that I was running from you . . . it just happened to be a coincidence that you were coming after me at the same time!"

That was a lot of lies Asta had managed to fit in one sentence.

Yuno was silent for a while until he opened his mouth, staring right at Asta with a softer tone in his voice. 

"Asta, are you scared of me?"

Asta spluttered, completely thrown of by the question. Why would Yuno say that? Let alone think about it. Had he been too outwardly shown to be feared by him? No - that wasn't what he was trying to do at all . . . right? Sure he avoided him . . . ran away . . . denying the truth . . . Thinking about it now . . . it did seem like it, but Yuno shouldn't be thinking about it . . .

"W - What? Why would you say - N - No! Of course not . . ."

"Then why can't you be straight forward with me like how you were always? Why aren't you being honest?"

"I - " There was the bomb. Yuno had dropped it. How was Asta to respond to this? Admit that he was lying this whole time? There's no point in it though. He knew. Yuno can clearly see through him. That felt scary.

Asta shuddered, "I - uh . . ."

"Tell me," Yuno said, voice tensing up again.

Asta's heart quickened, saying the first thing that came to mind only to avoid Yuno's temper rising. "I didn't want you to feel hurt . . . no . . . I mean - you wouldn't get it . . . I - uh . . . didn't want to say it or you'll . . . feel hurt? . . . ah, no . . . I was giving you some space . . . not wanting to be annoying . . . y - yeah"

Hiding - Yuno x Asta (Black Clover)Where stories live. Discover now