Black market shopping

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Asta's broad grin sparkled, his teeth showing off to the gusty, bursts of air blowing directly to his face as he flew. After all this while stuck on the ground - watching Yuno hover on his broom like a surf board - he can finally do the same, albeit on a sword.

They are close to each other as they can get, although a prince after recent news, he's still Yuno. Asta shook his head at the thought of how Yuno got things so easily. 

'That jerk prince!' he smiled. 'I'll beat you'


The sky overhead grew streaks of purple and orange as the day loomed over to night. The three landed and walked the rest of the way towards the entrance of the dimly lit; cobbled black market street. Upon entering, Asta invited Liebe onto his shoulder - since the incongruity for the devil in his full form to walk freely - to look around in his tiny character.

With sparkling eyes, he directed his shoulder to allow the little, white haired devil to face a stall filled with green heads lined along rows of shelves. The green heads were made out of cloth stuffed with wool, a long string attached to the top in-between the two eyes, which made a sound when tugged. 

"WOOOOH, they still sell these" Asta said enthusiastically, mind scouring back two years ago when he first bought this with his first salary. Looking thrilled; smile going taut; with tears streaking down his face. He grabbed one of them waving it in front of Liebe, who leered at the sight.

"...Bakasta! You can't seriously be buying another one of that garbage," Noelle said, striding forwards, disregarding the annoyed look of the seller.

Asta whipped his head around, "No, Noelle! I'm buying this for Liebe!'"

Liebe feigned gagging, grimacing. "He still sleeps with the damn thing at the base."

Noelle deadpanned. 

Asta laughed dryly, rubbing the back of his head with his coal black demon right hand, his smile still plastered wide. "W-Well I thought that Liebe would like one too."

"No I wouldn't you idiot!" Liebe hissed.

Asta blushed from embarrassment at those words and reluctantly returned the toy to the shelf, ready to search for other intriguing items but turned at the sound of Vanessa's irritated voice a few stalls away. She was face to face with the owner of a stall that was laid with coloured, clear glassed potion bottles filled with oddly concocted mixtures. A wine coloured vial rested in her right palm. 

"Are you sure these are legal?" she pressed, an eyebrow arched.

"Would you mind not meddling with my things?" the haggard women shot back, reaching over the wooden leverage that divided them. "You have no authority here."

Her lips pursed, Vanessa straightened her back, towering over the women , the Black Bulls robe illuminated by the faint lit lamp suspended on the overhang. "Say that again," she smiled wryly.

The women gulped in the epiphany of her mistake; her brows, covered behind the unruly mess of hair, began to tremble.

"I thought so," Vanessa smirked. 

The ashen women knew it was irrefutable to retort back. It just had to be a magic knight. Her chin wobbled, mouth hanging midway unsure whether to leave it open or closed. 

Vanessa nodded, turning around. "I know you're trying to make business here but please be certain if these are tested properly before sharing it with the public. You're lucky I caught you, but if you ever do this again you'll be in serious trouble. Have a good night," she waved, walking away.

Asta trudged towards her with Noelle accompanying behind. "Uh, Vanessa-senpai, what is that?" he asked, pointing to the wine coloured vial in her hand.

She looked at him with a placid expression, "This is supposed to be a love potion," she explained. "These aren't supposed to be sold freely to anyone, however I don't think this can even be considered a proper love potion. I know the feeling of it. I've felt the tingling sensation before from one of my past missions handling with it, but this..." she held up the vial, "It hasn't been made right and I'm not sure what it'll do to a person. I feel more than just tingles. It has a sharp poking feel to it." Her face grew soft as he looked at Asta's confused look. "Of course, people with mana will be able to feel it."

Asta smiled sheepishly, "I know that."

They left the market; Liebe entering back into the grimoire. The potion had to be reported to their captain which will then be sent to the magic knight's experimental lab. 

The atmosphere grew cooler - not enough to bite but a pleasant brush of cold wind against skin -  as indigo deluged the sky with white beads scattered above, shining. Orange and yellow spheres of light glowed around the shops of the town square of the Royal Capital accompanied by prosaic chatter. A few members from other squads roved around on this enjoyable Saturday night. The sight of a popularly recognizable squad robe tugged a rope in Asta's stomach. His head recoiled at the sight of the all too familiar cotton blue tuft and beige of the Golden Dawn robe. He couldn't help but think of Yuno emerging from the mess of them ready to look his way, brusquely until continuing on his way. 

It's not that Yuno doesn't like me, right? He doesn't show it but, sometimes, it feels like I'm always the one finding him and coming after him when we coincidentally run into each other... can't be because can't see me .. that tall jerk sure can't see me despite his height...

...that jerk...

Asta shook his head, clearing his thoughts. 'I'll let him be; give him space. Whatever it is, he'll come round. He's just too stuck up in the ethics of his squad to be me near me...maybe. 

The three reached the side of a building, wall covered in ivy, where they left their brooms at. The sky grew darker, depending on lamps and stars to bring light to the living below. Vanessa squinted around in the subdued light for her broom. Lumbering in the dark caused her to trip on her own two feet, letting out a shriek as she hit the hard stone floor. The other two gasped, rushing to her side. The sound of glass shattered, like poking a needle into a thin membrane that caused rupture, bringing sound to a silent and empty void. 

"NO! The potion!" Vanessa clamored, ruefulness shrouding her.

Asta nodded and ran towards the liquid that was running out from the crystal shards towards the open street. "OH no! No no- Asta!" She stood up, chest heaving. "Don't breathe in the fumes!"

Too late...

Asta was impulsively breathing right next to the liquid, not sure what to do.

Well.. great...

His head felt heavy. It felt sickening. Fighting the urge to not submit to whatever the potion had in stall was unfeasible. 

He got drowsy within seconds, submerging into its effects, mind going foggy. "No no no..." he trailed.

Vision blurry, he gazed sloppily at the passersby. Inopportunely, a tall, black-haired boy was seen amidst the crowd sauntering about in his prominent worn robe of the high regarded Golden Dawn squad. Yuno.


Author's note

Left in a cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed the story so far. Comments or votes is extremely appreciated as it lets me know I have readers who are interested and that motivates me a tone to work on this :D

But of course I'll work on this no matter what. I'm going to finish what I start. Join the ride.


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