Avoiding Yuno

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The next day came soon after their conversation the previous night. Heading towards town once again, Asta and Noelle decided head out there together as some sort of hang out after their conversation. They've been doing this many times prior, but with a slight twinge of difference after the confession. They didn't hold hands or anything, except their usual friend bond, letting things work out slowly. They shouldn't be shy. They're walking like any other time they do at town. Nothing different. Noelle glanced at Asta, seeing his usual happy expression as his eyes dart around the scene across each and every stall. She couldn't help but smile, but that was soon eradicated when Asta's smile fell, replacing with a new expression that's polar opposite. Was is fear? Terror? Shock? She didn't know. All she saw was his eyes widening, feet planted firmly to the ground, unable to move. Her eyes followed his view of direction to where he's looking.


"I sense his Ki," Asta replied, before Noelle could finish.

Asta turned around in his spot unsure which direction to go. It felt different though. The distinct sense of Ki was off  the usual impression when Yuno's presence was close. Much more energy rose in the senses.

"He's mad . . . " Asta trails, voice croaked slightly. He looked around hastily before he spotted a fruit stand. "Hey, Noelle! I'm going to the fruit stand real quick alright? Charmy told me she wanted to make a fruit salad!"

Noelle blanked, "If you say so . . . "

Noelle watched as Asta's lame excuse allowed him to run away from the direction he predicted Yuno might come from. Though she could clearly see around herself; not seeing any tall, messy black haired wind mage, she wanted to catch up to Asta assuring him that he was mistaken, though she was glad she didn't as that moment she was startled when she felt the pool of mana of the tall figure standing next to her. 

"Ah!" She yelped, steeling herself, "I - I mean, don't surprise me like that! Who said it's alright to just walk up to someone without any indication of them knowing!" Noelle shrieked, wondering if Yuno saw Asta with her.

His placid expression inwardly covered the boiling emotions as he looked down at Asta's friend. He saw Asta here, that was a fact. After a bit of paperwork, he had the rest of the day off, using the opportunity to fly to town in hopes of bumping into Asta. He sure was right about that; the moment he caught a glint of familiar ash blond reflected by the high afternoon sunlight. Noticing that set fiery emotions licking his heart. Moving forward in the direction, he grew impatient, with the thrill of finally catching him. Now, however, his anger grew once again. The short boy was no where to be found except for his companion.

Where the hell is Asta?

He decided to ask the girl as he couldn't afford to waste anymore time of his free day searching before they could talk. 

"Do you know where Asta is?" Yuno went straight to the point. No greeting intended. To be fair, Noelle didn't greet him first either.

Noelle looked up at him with a short gulp. She knew he came for him. She braced herself and responded, "Asta? Well, he isn't here . . . "

"I thought I saw him a few seconds ago." Yuno wasn't having any of it. He's tired of the lies. Not bothering how agitated Noelle is after the question, he brushed it off having no intent of making her feel comfortable. Time is on the move. He needs to know where Asta is now.

Noelle's face scrunched, hastily coming up with a good reply, "Y -Yes, he isn't here! You may have seen him a few seconds ago, but he's gone now. I don't know where he went . . . perhaps to try out that horrible jerky stall over there." Noelle pointed at the stall, polar opposite to the direction in which the fruit stall was located. She watched Yuno follow her finger, his gaze resting on the purple overhang of the stall. She added quickly, "I don't why it sounds like you're accusing me of lying like that. I'm offended."

Hiding - Yuno x Asta (Black Clover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum