Oh no, it's Yuno!

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The sun rose high in the Sunday afternoon sky after Asta dried himself prior to him being completely drenched by Noelle who refused to apologise saying it was his fault for bringing her about to do it. Inattentive, Asta shrugged at it and continued on with their walk, the two of them with Charmy following along beside towards Kikka, a resplendent castle town of the Royal Capital. 

The thoughts that came at him today during his workout nagged at him. These started coming in more frequently than ever. No, to be frank, it has never popped into his mind ever, but now it does; frequent. He couldn't shake the feeling that he missed something. Did he do something to Yuno? Why was he thinking about being a low, poorly behaved, shameful companion? 


No he isn't.

Stop thinking...

However, the thoughts within his mind slowly unraveled the more he thought about it.


* * *

"I don't know him"

He heard Yuno mutter under his breath as they walked in line towards the desk where they would be numbered for the magic knight's entrance exam. He was sure he heard it. True, he was being loud; waving jubilantly at the onlookers that watched every person walk into the magic knight's colosseum. Unbeknownst, to his front teeth grazing his bottom lip as the words reached his hears.

'Sure, haha, he's embarrassed of me. I'll show him'

He showed him over and over again. He'll get there. He'll beat him. He'll be better. He'll shine bright with true great colours, beaming at him once at the top. That'll teach him. That'll get at him for being so reserved. For being so quiet. For not talking to him anymore...

Convincing himself that these aren't true, he would automatically shut his mind when those words are mentioned. Being especially optimistic whenever close to hearing it is the best option to help squeeze the thought, the memory out. However, it proved useful until now where the memories are latched on to him like a leech. Demanding more biting words.

* * *

"Thank you so much for accompanying me! We're almost there!"

Asta snapped out of his trance. Charmy looked at both of them feeling ever so excited. She thanked them for accompanying her with her grocery shopping as she wanted to surprise Rill in her cooking. Rill, the captain of Azure deer magic knights squad, the same age as Charmy are finally together. With their special date approaching, a splendid menu formed by Charmy to surprise him has brought both Asta and Noelle to help her. Nearing a shop, they waited outside as Charmy entered. 

Asta wondered whether he'll get any of Charmy's surprise meal to try as he stood beside Noelle with nothing to do other than staring aimlessly at passers by, He looked up at a poster hanged high on a poll. Discounts for the products were in bright colours of blue and yellow to grab unwanted attention. He frowned at it. Not at the great deal, but at how high the poster is. He and Noelle were the same height, but even as that is so, he wished he were taller. The height an average man should be. Despite at first being slightly shorter than Noelle a year back.

"Wow, am I seriously this short?" Asta blurted, gazing up at the poster.

Noelle deadpanned, "B-bakasta! Were you really thinking about that the whole time?"

Undoubtedly, Noelle had been skimming through her mind painfully pondering on what Asta was thinking about as they stood alone together. The two of them. Though, the pain increased by being fatally impaled by an imaginative sword as she found that he wasn't thinking of her at all but his height. But, why would he? Also, why is she thinking about what he thought?

Hiding - Yuno x Asta (Black Clover)Where stories live. Discover now