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In this dire situation, one can only pick one of the two: fight or flight. Asta picked the latter. That doesn't make him a coward, however. Truly, he never wished to meet an enraged Yuno, especially in this situation, in addition to a love letter that should be eliminated at once for the sake of Charmy.

No way was he allowing himself to open the door to face the taller guy. No.

He turned to the broad window adjacent the bed. Bright and shimmering from the sun's rays, he dived to the glass pane and slide the panel up. Mimosa watched as he clambered over the window frame, one foot hanging outward. Her heart thrummed as she looked back and forth across the room, window and door. Loud beats echoed through her ears. She barely heard Asta as she saw his mouth move. 

Though she was exhilarated at first to be a part of this fun little expedition that isn't a squad mission, she's deeply terrified now. 

'It's just Yuno . . . an angry Yuno . . . I'm calm!'

Asta had both of his feet over the window during the war going on in her mind. No doubt a similar war was going on in his head as well. "Mimosa!" Asta called across the room to where Mimosa still stood near the door. He didn't care anymore if Yuno can hear him clearly. He already knows he's in here. "Thank you so much for helping! I'm seriously grateful! We'll meet again soon, but for now I got to go!" 

The door flew open from the heavy force of magical wind surging though. Mimosa whirled around, her head almost snapping, gaping at the unexpected scene.

Ah shit

Asta literally flipped out, nearly slipping as he leapt out from the window and clambered down the side pillars lined against the walls. 

After all that training. Asta can do wonders over his physical strength.

Yuno's amber eyes caught a glimpse of Asta's back disappearing from the window when Mimosa jumped in front of him, waving her arms around.

"Ah Y - Yuno! I apologise for trespassing into your room! I'm terribly sorry! I - It's just that we needed something that was left in your room by accident! That's all. Asta didn't steal any of your possessions. He isn't that sort of guy. Please listen!"

Yuno merely looked at her with a curt nod as he dashed towards the window. Looking down, he sees a tiny figure running across the grounds towards the gate.

'You're not getting away this time, Asta.'

A gush of wind surrounded his legs as he lifted himself from the ground, propelling forwards through the window. The room was soon quiet as Yuno left, except for the still sound of Mimosa breathing. Hoping against hope that Yuno wasn't going to hurt Asta.

Asta trudged with each stumbling step towards the gate. His breathing heavy and quick after receiving the shock of his life, plus withstanding gravity in prevention of toppling full speed whilst climbing down the pillar. He could have almost let out a sigh of relief until the air surrounding him moved suddenly replacing from the calm, still air. He gulped down the sigh as he looked up to see the raven-haired figure coming down, surrounded in huge spurs of mana wind. 

Asta internally screamed.

In all his due courses of getting away, he sincerely failed this one. He felt like disappearing. He desperately wanted to, but though of his idiocy, he knows for sure that once Yuno sees him, there's no hiding. He's no match for Yuno's wind magic speed if he's on foot.

If he's on foot . . .


He asked Liebe to send the letter to Noelle who was already walking up towards them from the shop. The grimoire floated out of its sack, turning its pages until it balanced on both sides. A black mass emerged, soon disintegrating, showing its full features of the white-haired devil, fully planted on the white stoned floor. 

Asta shoved the letter into the devil's claws and urged him to get it to Noelle. With an annoyed look, the devil followed his orders relentlessly, jogging up to Noelle, who accepted it.

Asta was about to follow, but as his predictions were correct, he's caught.

Too late . . . 

He felt the sudden pressure of intense eyes gazing down his back. A loud thud echoed as the last bit of wind dissolves before he felt a strong grip on his right shoulder.

Asta flinched.

"What are you doing, Asta?" Yuno said, coldly. That sent shivers down Asta's spine.

Asta bit his lower lip thinking of an answer. He can't tell the truth. He swore on Charmy.

"Yuno!" Asta unexpectedly blurted followed by a great response. "N - Nothing!"

The grip on his shoulder grew tighter. 

"What were you doing in my room with Mimosa?"

Asta's heart hammered against his ribs. The tone Mimosa's name was mentioned made his tongue feel sour. He couldn't think of her getting blamed for this petty crime they undertook. 

"Don't worry Yuno! It isn't what you think it is! We didn't steal anything from your room! It belonged to somebody else and it so happened to be there! I was just returning it to them!"

Yuno didn't catch on with this crap.

"And you didn't tell me?" His tone was ice cold.

Asta felt another powerful squeeze on his shoulder. He didn't know if telling Yuno to let him go would make the situation worse. He looked up at Yuno careful not to show fear. He shuddered at how intimidating and fierce Yuno was. The ticklish feeling of sweat slid down the back of his neck. The thought of his once looking ahead at the boy in front of him when they were kids drastically changed. He now had to look up while the other looked down. Yuno had to look down on him . . . 

Asta gave a wry smile.

"W - Well, you were busy. Mimosa said you had a meeting with your captain. I couldn't possibly disturb you! Plus, I couldn't wait all day." he said, cursing himself for the stutter.

Yuno's eyes grew intense, going down to slits. His brows arched, "So, you ran out my window instead of facing me?"

Asta's mind went blank. He didn't know how to respond.


His mouth quivered. Yuno continued to stare down at him. The shuffle of feet grew from the distance as a white-haired figure with nothing more than a charcoal black body, came in at the most fitting moment possible. 

Yuno winced at the sight.

"Oh, Liebe!" Asta said, too happy at the devil's presence. He turned back to Yuno, "I've got to go now Yuno. Bye. See you soon."

See you soon

Asta didn't know when 'soon' is. He just said it because it's the standard thing to say when you depart. It's polite than a abrupt 'bye'. He doesn't even know if he could get to him anytime soon. Every time he meets Yuno, he seems angrier. The current situation proved otherwise. He needed to give Yuno breathing room. A break a part. His cold behaviour practically spoke to him to back off. If only he knew the reason behind Yuno's cold attitude.

With that, Asta joined the devil meeting up with Noelle soon after. The three walked on together leaving Yuno to stare at them, but most especially to the ash-blond in the middle.

I missed him again.


Author's note

Thank you so much for reading. All the comments, saves to reading lists, votes and the number of reads have really motivated me. I really appreciate the support  💖


New chapter every week

Next up: Yuno's behind the scene. Reasons for Yuno being cold.


LMAO also, Yuno's alive. New chapter proves it.

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