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Darius's POV

I had woken up at midnight just to check if Cassandra had again tried to run away or something. But, surprisingly, no.

She was sleeping, peacefully. It's the first time I have seen her so calm. She's snoring softly, her eyelashes are resting on her cheekbones.

I brush away her hair from her cheek and see the scar. If anything, it makes her look strong and badass.

It's true that her hair have been turning white. At this point, there are only a few strands of black hair that are remaining. She still looks beautiful for some reason.

Her eyes open suddenly and I jump back, clearing my throat.

"What were you doing?" She asked, getting up.

"N-nothing. There was...a bug. Yeah, a bug on your cheek. I was trying to remove it." I made out quickly. She raised her eyebrow.

"You sure?" I nodded. "You woke up at almost one in the morning to kill a bug on my cheek?"

"Yes." I gulped and answered. She glared at me before laying back and pulling the blanket over her head.

I exhaled tiredly and went back to sleep.

Wait, did I mention that I've been sleeping on the floor since she has arrived?


I was coming back from taking a tour of my pack, making sure everything's going well and is fine. I was about to open the door when I heard two voices coming from inside.

"So, you are finally fine with staying here?" An unfamiliar female voice asked.

"...Yes, I guess." Cassandra mumbled.

"No escaping?" The female chuckled.

"No escaping now." Cassandra said.

Those words brought a smile on my face. Finally, I can trust her not to run away while I'm gone.

"Are things between Alpha Darius and you good now?" I stopped at that and held my breathe.

"You know I can smell you, you jerk! You're hearing us talk. I'll kill you if I see your face for rest of the day now!" She threatened and definitely meant it.

It was best for me to not go near her for now.

I made my way to Connor instead. He was standing in the yard, watching the kids play with a smile on his face.

"Alpha Darius." He said and chuckled. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be running around, chasing the rogue girl?"

"She said she won't try escaping now and I trust her with that." I tell him. "What about you?"

"Got some free time." He answered, still looking at the kids. When his wife died, sadly she was carrying his child too. Even though his wife wasn't his mate, he respected her and cherished her as if she was. But, he couldn't love her and he regrets it.

"You know, you still have a chance that you'll find your mate, right? Wait and have patience." I said and he nodded.

"That's all we can do." He muttered. "Waiting."

Three to four minutes of silence later, he finally looked at me with all seriousness and said some important things.

"My men spotted a woman buy potions and herbs from the town. They say the women looked like she was from the castle."


"Yes. We need to be safe. What if it is something poisonous and is mixed with our food?" I nodded in understanding.

"Alpha Darius! Cassandra got into a fight again!"

My eyes widened as I looked at Connor. He chuckled.

"Run, Darius. Before she does something stupid." He said.

"Where and with whom?" I asked.

"She's on the training ground with Beta Victoria. Oh my! She lifted the sword!"

Oh no.

I ran to the training grounds as fast as I could. But was too late when I reached there. The fight had already started and Cassandra was attacking Victoria.

The swords clinked together as both of them glared at each other.

Victoria then started attacking with full force and managed to get the sword out of Cassandra's hands. She then hooked her leg with hers and tripped her over it, making her fall on her back.

The sword was now at Cassandra's neck and both of them were panting heavily.

I thought the fight was now over but no. Cassandra kicked Victoria in the gut and got up back on her feet.

Victoria raised the sword, attacking her again but Cassandra dodged in time and elbowed her in the side. She got a long cut on her forearm from the sword.

"Cass!" I couldn't help but gasp. That distracted her and Victoria took that chance to end the fight. She swung the sword at Cassandra's neck which sure as hell isn't allowed. Everyone gasped.

Just when the sword was about to touch her neck, all her moments stopped and she was surrounded by a blue aura like thing.

"Leave." A voice said and Victoria was thrown outside of the ring. I turned around and saw Gideon, the Royal Wizard.

I ran to Cassandra but she just pushed me away.

"It's all your fault! I was going to win the fight!" She whisper-yelled. I sighed and checked her for injuries. The sword had touch her neck slightly and there was a drop of blood which was already healing.

"Why did you even fight with her?" I asked, concerning.

"Why don't you go and ask her? I swear I'm going to kill her!" She growled. I glared at her.

"You're doing no such thing, Cassandra. She's Connor's Beta." I tell her.

"And I care because?" She raised her eyebrow, mockingly. I sighed.

"Cass... Just stop now, okay?" I sighed. "Look, I don't wanna fight with you now. Let's go to the healer first and get yourself checked once, yeah?"

"She doesn't need a healer, Darius." Gideon said with a chuckle. I helped Cassandra in getting up. "Hello, Luna. I'm Gideon." He said, taking Cassandra's hand and kissing the back of it.

"Pleasure meeting you." He said with a smile before leaving her hand. Cassandra blinked at him before landing her gaze on his wand and picking it up without a second thought.

"What is this stick?" She asked, trying to break it.

"Cass!" I warned her, snatching the wand back and handing it to Gideon. "Gideon, this is Cassandra. Cass, Gideon, the Royal Wizard. He'll help us with your... situation."

"I believe we have some serious things to talk about." Gideon said with a smirk before waving his wand, covering all three of us in grey smoke and the next thing I know...

I'm standing in his house.

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