Thirty Five

10 0 0

Cassandra's POV

The kids who will be shifting for the first time tonight formed a circle and anxiously sat down, waiting for the moon to rise.

Darius and I tried our best to comfort them into not worrying about it.

"Hey bud, you doing okay?" Darius asked a ginger haired boy.

"I'm scared." The boy pouted and frowned.

"But aren't you excited on meeting your wolf?"

"Kinda." The boy grinned.

"Great." They high-fived and he moved on to the next kid.

They were all doing great.

"Luna," I turned around immediately and was met with a little girl. "Will it be painful?" I knelt down to her level, brushing her hair way from her face.

"A little." I shrugged and her face fell. "But it will be magical."

She smiled. "I like magic."

"Do you know what colour your wolf will be?"

"Rainbow?" I chuckled.

"We will have to see."

I heard hurried running of a wolf in a distance and got on high alert. Judging by the look on Darius's face, he heard it too.

A while later, a black wolf pounced onto him, licking his face. Darius laughed and patted the wolf's head. "Down, Axel."

Axel, the wolf, turned to me and bowed. I smiled and nodded.

Darius picked up the note that had fallen from Axel when he pounced on him.

His eyes widened when he read it. Gulping, he passed it to me.

"We have been ordered to attack your pack tonight.
- Z"

"Stay on alert." Darius said to me and I nodded. "Tighten the security. More warriors at the boundaries. We are expecting a war tonight."

The children around us gasped and whimpered.

We waited for the Moon to rise while looking after the kids.

And then it happened. A bone cracked, followed by a hiss. It was the ginger haired boy Darius was earlier talking to.

"You good?" Darius asked, concern lingering on his face.

First time shift is...hard. Painful.

"I can handle it." The boy nodded with a grin. A proud smile spread on Darius's face and he nodded back.

The moon rose fully and that's when all the kids started to shift. Axel in the corner howled and a few other wolves in the woods responded to him. We cautiously stepped out of the circle, leaving the kids on their own.

There were parents who held proud smiles.

I felt an arm wrapping around my waist and turned to look up at my mate, smiling. His eyes had turned golden.

'Luna, two vampires approaching the shifting area!' I heard Travis in my head.

"I'll go." I said to Darius. He understood and removed his hand.

I pulled out my daggers and sprinted towards the given location.

Indeed, there were two vampires. I stabbed one through the heart and grabbed other in a chokehold, slitting his throat while releasing him.

About a second later, an entire army of vampires surrounded me. Travis, who now had a bleeding head, approached me in time with a few of our warriors as a back up.

I smirked, gripping my daggers tight and I moved through the vampires, stabbing and slitting and breaking their necks.

Blood splashed everywhere.

The grass looked red now.

A while later, Jarvis joined in the party and he was a literal beast in the war.

The number of vampires just kept increasing, I wondered how the hell they were so much in number.

My hands had blood all over them. My breath was heavy.

After a point, I could finally see their number decreasing and that's when I felt at relief.

Jarvis crushed the last vampire's head in his hands and gave out a satisfied sigh.

I laughed at him and looked at Travis. "Replace the injured warriors with the backup ones and cover the border."

"Yes, Luna." He bowed and walked off.

I looked at the blood on my hands in disgust, making a face before rolling my eyes and looking at Jarvis.

He looked quite happy seeing all the blood.

"Red is a good colour on me, isn't it?" He grinned, changing back to his human form.

"You remind me of a serial killer." I joked and we laughed, walking back to the shifting area.

Suddenly, there was a weird energy shift in the air. I sensed something coming towards me and dodged it with a gasp.

It was a silver dagger.

"Missed your mommy, darling?" A sickening voice laughed.

I turned around and saw my mother, except this time, her eyes were red.

"Nope. Not even a little bit." I growled, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Ouch." She giggled like a maniac.

I took a step forward to attack her but then, I was surrounded by a red aura, pausing all my movements, making me paralyized.

"Luna!" Jarvis exclaimed.

"Bye-bye, my toy." She grinned and raised one hand towards Jarvis. A red beam launched from her hand and tackled Jarvis right in his chest. He was thrown far away until blocked by a tree.

He didn't open his eyes after that.

She then started walking into the woods, taking me with her. I tried to mind-link Darius, it didn't work. I just couldn't reach him.

I watched as she opened a portal and stepped inside.

The portal closed behind me and I was dropped to the ground.

I was ready to attack her the second I was on the ground but she smirked and smacked her lips together in disappointment.

"Don't even try, darling." She grinned. "You're powers won't work here. Right now, you're just a mere human in front of me."

"You are very much stupid if you are underestimating my strength." I said, clenching my fists and getting into a fighting stance.

"Oh, no." She shook her head. "I don't underestimate you. Not even an inch. You're the White Luna, after all." She smirked.

I tried. I really tried to punch her or attack her but all I could see was my mom.

How could I ever hurt my mom?

"Where are we?" I gritted.

She smirked.

"Somewhere no body can find you."

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