Twenty Four

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Darius's POV

"Declaration of war? At this time out of blue?" I frowned. Something was wrong surely. It wasn't making any sense.

"I know." The King nodded. "But I suggest we prepare our warriors or else they'd hurt the innocent pack members like the last time."

I nodded along with a few other Alphas.

"Jared!" A familiar voice yelled. All of us turned around and saw Cassandra running towards us.

"Everyone dismiss. Alpha Darius, you can stay behind." I nodded and stepped aside, letting the others leave.

"Yes, Cassandra?" The King said as soon as everyone left.

"You guys need to know something." She panted slightly. "I think we have an idea of who might be ordering the rogues and hunters around."

"'We' as in?" I asked.

"Gideon and I." She answered. "People are coming back from dead that too, through black magic. There's someone called Blood Queen that might be a threat to this entire world even though I'm not quite sure what that is yet. And yes, we have a hybrid."

"A what?" King asked in surprise.

"And Gideon is supposed to be his mate." She added with a nod and then a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the Blood Queen part." I frowned.

Blood Queen is the Queen of all blood witches; witches that do black magic and stuff. But according to my knowledge, Blood Queen died around the time of Jarvis and his mate due to a heavy black magic spell that took her life.

"Alright." King cleared his throat. "First of all, I suggest we prepare the warriors for tomorrow's war. We can deal with all this when the Royal Wizard is fully recovered and fine."

"Yes, my King."


"I thought I told you to rest." I stated when we reached our room, closing the door behind me.

"You did." Cassandra shrugged. "But I don't remember myself saying yes to it." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her, placing my chin on her shoulder.

"How's Gideon?" I asked, sighing into her neck.

"...Broken." She mumbled sadly.

"He will be fine... eventually." I said, turning her around and caressing her cheek. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed, making me sit beside her.

With my hand in still her hold, she stared deeply in my eyes, caressing my back of the hand.

"Promise me, you'll never tell me to leave you alone." She whispered. I couldn't help but let out an airy chuckle.

"Pfft. Why would I..." I paused when I looked at the seriousness in her eyes. I smiled and gave her hand an assuring squeeze. "I promise you, I'll never tell you to leave." I cupped her face and gave her a sweet kiss.

"I love you, Darius." She whispered. I nodded.

"I love you too, Cassey. With all my heart." I rested my forehead on hers. She smiled with her eyes closed. "You're so beautiful." I pecked her head, tucking her beautiful white hair behind her ear and got up.

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah. Alpha duties." I chuckled. She nodded in understanding. "And yeah, take some rest." She just nodded. "Please." She rolled her eyes, smiling anyways.

"Alright. Okay. Go now." She shoved me out of the door. I shook my head and walked to the training grounds to prepare the warriors.


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