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Cassandra's POV

We reached Alora and it was already dark. We still walked to the Alora's church and took a small break, sitting down in the broken floor of the church.

"We will find him, right?" I looked at Darius.

"Of course. He is just on his wizardry adventures." He smiled softly and I nodded. "I feel thirsty now." He groaned.

I got up. "There's a lake behind here. Come on."

He got up too and we walked to the lake.

I sat on the green grass near it, feeling the wind in my hair though there was some uneasiness in the atmosphere.

Darius bent down at the lake to drink water. He cupped his hand as just when he touched the water, a human face surfaced above, startling both of us.

He staggered back before he fell down, horror evident of our faces.

It was not only one body but several that we missed out on.

"Are they...?"

"Yes." He gulped. "Water sacrifices."

"We should get out of here." I said to him. He nodded, turning around and we both stilled, our ears perking up at the rustling behind the bush.

A black figure jumped out of the bush and sprinted towards me with a shiny silver knife in its hand. The hand came forward, ready to stab me.

I dodged it in a second and elbowed the man in back, resulting in him falling down on his face.

I quickly grabbed both it's hands and held them behind his back. Darius took the knife and kept it in my bag. I removed the black cloth covering my attacker's face and i realised, it was a she.

A blonde teen girl.

"Who are you?"  Darius gritted out. She stayed silent. I wrapped my arm around her neck, slowly growing out my claws.

"Answer him." I growled.

She let out a whimper, trembling below me. "Z-Zara. My name's Zara." She stuttered out.

"And what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was kill you." She answered a moment later.

I frowned and my grip loosened on her. She took that as a chance to escape from my grip and run away.

Within seconds, she was out of our sights.

Darius came by my side, cupping my cheek and looking down at me in concern. "Are you okay, Cassey?"

"Yeah." I nodded, scratching my head. "Just...a little shocked I guess."

He caressed my cheek before pulling me in a hug. I sighed deeply and hugged him back, tightly.

There are people who want to kill me.

"I'll protect you, no matter what. Me, Gideon and the King. Everyone. We won't let any harm get your way."

"Thank you." I mumbled in his chest. I pulled back, looking into his eyes.

I raised on my tip toes, pressing my lips against his. He kissed me back and then kissed me kn the forehead.

"Lets go. We gotta find Gideon."

"Yes." I nodded.


"Oh my gosh! He's so beautiful!"

"Do you think he's into brunettes?"

"Guys, don't you see there's a mark on his neck? He already has a mate."

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