Twenty Eight

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Twelve Months Ago

It was a very dark night. Though there was no rain or storm, their was thunder and lightning in the sky. Looked like the Thunder Witch was having a hard time.

Josephine was taking the kids inside the pack-house, making sure all of them are safe. After making sure no one was outside, she closed the doors and windows.

"No one needs to panic, okay? It's just the Thunder Witch giving birth. This will pass away soon." She told to everyone. "Now, everyone, go to your rooms and do not, I repeat, DO NOT open the windows or stand by them. Understand?"

"Yes, Beta Michaelson." Everyone said before doing as told.

"Beta Michaelson." Josephine turned and saw the Alpha of the pack: Davien Rodriguez.

"Alpha Davien." She said with a smile. Davien smirked and chuckled.

"You know you can call me by my first name. I'm much younger than you." She raised her eyebrow and smirked as well.

"Why would I do that? I like calling you Alpha."

"But when you call me Alpha, it's like you're teasing me." He almost pouted. She laughed and patted his head.

Both, Darius and Davien were like her own children to her. She had been in this pack since Davien was fourteen or something and Darius was ten. Their father, former Alpha Rodriguez had seen her abilities and experiences and decided to make her the Beta.

Ever since, she has been loyal to this pack.

"Where are Cassandra and Darius?" She asked.

"Messing around in the back probably." Davien chuckled. She glared at him.

"What kind of messing?" She grumbled out.

"The one that doesn't involve kissing or screwing each other; I promise you that." He joked.

"And it better be that way." She warned.

"You know they are mates, right? One day, they will kiss and screw." He rolled his eyes.

"I do know that. And they can kiss or...mate when I'm dead. I'm not allowing a male wolf; even if it's her mate to touch my daughter." Davien laughed and chuckled but shut up when he saw the fierce glare she gave him.

She has always been possessive of her daughter. She knew that their was no way Cassandra could be hurt in a fight. If there was any way to get her hurt, it's will be breaking her heart or her own emotions.

She didn't want to see her

A loud thunder occured and it rained, heavily.

"Looks like a Water Element Witch is born." She commented with a smile. "You know, for element witches, two months is equal to one year. They grow really fast."

"Why so?"

"So that, they could get their powers in control in least amount of time and not cause destructions." She smiled. "Find Darius and Cassandra and tell them to be in their rooms as soon as possible." She told a passing by Omega. He nodded and bowed before running off.

A moment later, she smelt a unfamiliar scent in the air followed by a mind-link message that said "Intruders in the pack-house!"

"What?" Davien frowned when he heard and smelt it as well.

"Gabriel!" She called. "Make sure everyone's in their rooms and no one steps out."

"Yes, Beta!"

Four black cloak wearing figures appeared out of the shadows with the hood covering their faces.

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