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Darius's POV

The door to my office room opened and Victoria stepped in, followed by the Omega with the tray and tea again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling annoyed at the memory of she putting up that fight and almost beheading my Cassey.

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked, pouting.

"Yes. Please, leave me alone." I said in a dismissing tone. She sighed sadly.

"Just drink the tea and I'll leave." She smiled then.

"I'll drink it when I feel like." I rolled my eyes.

"Please?" She batted her eyelashes.

"Ugh. Fine." I huffed. As I lifted the cup to my lips, the door flung up open Cassandra stepped in with another Omega with anger evident on her face.

"Oh." She mumbled as her gaze landed on Victoria. If anything, that angered her even more.

"Listen Mr Alpha Darius, you are going out there and tell the guards to let me and Ella out of the damn gates!" She said, slamming her fist on the desk.

"Who's Ella?" I asked in confusion.

"That's me." The Omega mumbled with her head down.

"Why do you wanna go? Where are you even going?" I asked and sighed when she just glared at me in reply.

I definitely need some tea.

As I lifted the cup to my lips, she snatched it and gulped it down her throat.

"No!" Victoria screamed and got up in instant. "I mean, that was for Darius. You weren't supposed to drink it." She said, clearing her throat.

"Look Darius," Cassandra started, "I-" she got cut off when she coughed with no reason.

"Cass?" I called but she continued coughing. "Are you okay?" She fell on the floor, still coughing. I told Ella to get some water for her while Victoria left without saying a word.

"Cassey." I whispered, rubbing her back. A few minutes later, she finally stopped coughing and groaned. "Are you okay? Here." I handed her water.

She drank the water before groaning again. "I don't know. My head is spinning."

Sweat beads started forming on her forehead and neck. I picked her up and took her to the room.

I locked the door and carefully put her on the bed.

"Cass, talk to me. What's happening to you? Is it something that is connected with the evolving thing going on? Do you need me to call Gideon?" I asked, brushing her hair away, wiping her sweat.

"Hot..." She mumbled.


"I" she said. I opened the window and turned on the fans. She got up suddenly and made her way towards me. "Darius..." She said my name as if moaning it.

And that's when it hit me.

"Cass, by any chance, are you in heat?" I asked, hesitantly.

She didn't answer but grabbed my collar, pulling me down to her lips while pouting, trying to kiss.

"C-Cassey." I gulped and turned my head to the left side, shutting my eyes close which resulted in her placing a very sloppy kiss on my cheek.

Her being in heat, was affecting me as well. I was breathing heavily at the sight of her neck glistening in sweat. My wolf was begging me to mark her right then and there. The fight between my heart and brain continued.

"Darius..." She groaned, drowsily. "Kiss me." She whispered against my lips, almost touching them. She leaned in again and I leaned back, trying to stop her.

"Cassey stop!" I said. She pouted in annoyance before slamming me against the wall. I felt her body heating up. "Cassey, you don't want to kiss me, okay? Just take a step back." I swallowed heavily.

She was tempting me.

She grinned lazily and trailed her forefinger from my temple to my jaw.

"You look really hot, Darius." She whispered, seductively. "I want you to fu-" I slammed my hand on her mouth, preventing her from saying those words.

"Shut up. I don't want to." I lied.

"Why? I'm curvy, pretty too except for this scar on my cheek. I even have fair sized boobs." She pressed her chest against mine.

"You're beautiful anyway, Cassandra. The scar doesn't make you any less pretty." I caressed her cheek, whispering softly.

"You're sleeping with Victoria that's why you won't fuc-" I slammed my hand on her lips again.

"I'm not sleeping with anyone and stop trying to say such words." I glared at her. She glared right back and locked my hands up in tight grip. "What are you doing?"

She smirked now that I can't hold her back and leaned in again. I groaned and turned away again.

"Cass..." I groaned, feeling myself tighten.

"Darius!" She huffed and her hands suddenly went to my pants, almost unbuttoning them.

"Cass!" I pushed her back, almost making her fall. Tears formed in her eyes, instantly and I felt bad. "Cassey, I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Please, Darius. I'm burning up." She whispered, walking towards me again, standing on her tiptoes to reach my lips.

M-maybe...I should.

I took a deep breath and cupped her cheek, leaning in. Our lips were almost touching each other's, I felt her hand form a fist on my chest and just when they were to collide, we were embraced by the same grey smoke.

I pulled back but she didn't. She just turned and looked at our intruder. It was Gideon, smiling brightly before raising an eyebrow.

"Did I interrupted something? I thought you guys weren't mates."

Cassandra took a step towards him and then another, almost grabbing his collar.

"Cass!" I yelled and pulled her back in a jerk, making her collide with my chest.

"Good night." Gideon said and tapped his wand on her head. The very next second, Cassandra was laying in my arms, unconscious.

I laid her on the bed and covered her with blanket, sighing.

"Thanks, Gideon." I exhaled.

"For saving you from almost getting raped? You're welcome, amigo." He laughed at his own joke before turning all serious.

"What now?"

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