Twenty Seven

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Darius's POV

"We have been waiting for quite some time now, Alpha." One of the warriors whispered. I nodded, not saying anything else.

Something's wrong here.

We got the war's declaration yesterday and here we are, ready with our warriors but all we see is a barren land? Did they give up? Already?

What might be the reason behind it?

"I feel something's wrong, Alpha Darius." Connor said from beside me.

"So do I, Alpha Connor."

"Looks like bringing most of the warriors here and risking the castle's security is a waste of time." He sighed with a shrug.

And that moment, it clicked me.

"What did you just say?"

"Huh?" He blinked.

"Darius!!" Someone yelled. I turned my gaze towards the voice and narrowed my eyes to get a clearer vision of this guy who was running towards me with real fast speed. Turns out, it was Zane.

"Zane." I said, surprised.

"It was all a trap." He panted. "You need to go back. The castle is in danger."

I figured.

"Turn around!! Everyone, back to the castle!!"


Cassandra's POV

Taking the handcuffs in my hand, I cleared my throat at Jarvis.

"Tie them." I told him. His eyes go wide as he stuttered.

"But Luna-"

"Do it." Shakily, he did as told and the silver burnt into my skin. I grunted a little and gulped down the heavy lump in my throat. "Let go of the kid." I said to the vampire. He smirked.

'All the warriors, listen up. The second he let's go Annette and the three vampires come back down from the roof, attack!" I mind-linked my people.

'Yes, Luna!' their reply came in instance.

"Of course." The vampire said and slowly let go of Annette and she ran towards Jarvis, sobbing loudly. Jarvis cooed and moved her out of the way, behind a tree, safe and sound.

'Where's Gideon?' I asked him.

'Annette says his stick broke and he was knocked out.'

"Be a good little bitch and step forward." The vampire said, holding a syringe which I guess contains heavy load of wolfsbane.

"First get your filthy things down here on ground." I glared at him. His smirk widened.

"Oh no. I'm not that stupid." He snorted. "Step towards me. I still have a lighter and the castle is fairly coated with kerosene; one wrong move and all shall roast in there." He let out a sinister laugh.

I gulped another heavy lump and slowly towards him.

"Take care of the three on the roof." I ordered Jarvis. "And give me signal when you have."

"Yes, Luna."

I took another step forward.

"Come on, lady! I don't have all day." The vampire stated.

"I'm done, Luna."


My warriors jumped from trees, over the walls and some ran through the crowd, charging straight towards the vampire. With a sharp intake of breathe, I jerked my hands, breaking the cuffs apart.

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