Chapter 19 - Standing up

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I rolled over in bed to find the other side empty and my mate gone, i glanced at the clock and started to panic, its been 2 hours since i was meant to pick up my babies, i jumped out of bed and grabbed my clothes that were on the floor and shoved them on as i was rushing out the door. 

I got down stairs fully dressed and ran into the living room where i left my shoes last but as i opened the door my little boy ran up to me. 

"Mummy, daddy picked us up from nursery and he took us to get ice cream" he said smiling, my panic had disappeared and i looked over to see my little girls playing with their daddy's hair, i couldn't help but laugh. 

"Well my little man, do you want to go to the park?" i asked Hunter whose eyes lit up at the thought i saw his sisters heads snap up and they had a huge smile on there face " i take that as a yes then" i laughed, i heard Toby chuckle and my eyes met his. 

"Go get your jackets then munchkins" Toby said, i head little feet running and they ran right past me to were there jackets hang and brought them to me to help them get them on. 




I was pushing Hunter on a swing and Toby was playing with the girls on the round about when a man came out of the trees and Toby's head shot up and looked at him, he picked up the girls and walked over towards me. I recognized the man, he used to hang around with my father for pack reasons. 

"You stay with mummy the now while i talk with my friend" he told the girls and me, i nodded and watched as he walked over, i tried to listen but i haven't used my werewolf hearing in so long that it's a little rusty, but i couldn't hear them they were talking to quietly that you couldn't unless you were up beside them. 

Just as i was taking Hunter out of the swing Toby came walking up to us. 

"I need to go back to the pack, there has been rouges spotted out side our territory and i want you to come with me" he said, i wanted to go but i need to speak with Dean tomorrow and what about the house? or the kids nursery?.

"I can't, I'm sorry" i told him looking away from his gaze, i heard a low growl and i looked up to see his eyes had turned black. 

"Why not? is it because you don't love me? you still love Dean after all he's done?" he growled, i pulled my kids behind me. 

"No of course not, Dean is coming tomorrow and the kids have nursery and i don't belong in pack life anymore Toby, its been a few years now and i don't really want to see my dad after what he had done" i told him in a calm relaxed voice so i wouldn't make him anymore angry. 

"I'm not leaving you here yourself, and I'm not leaving my kids if i have to force you to come i will, don't forget that, now we are going home to pack" he said using his alpha tone, it was hard not to obey, i tired my best not to but it was so hard that i gave in and walked with my head down low and holding my children's hands. Toby had put his hand in the middle of both shoulders on my back but i shook him off which he didn't like and growled. 

As we got in the house i didn't say a word to him,  had took of my kids jackets and told them to go and play in there rooms for now while i talk to Toby, Toby was right behind me as i walked into the living room. 

"I'm not leaving" i said sternly, he growled. 

"Yes you are mate" he growled. 

"If your going to force me i will never be happy with you, i will hate you forever" i shouted at him as tears rolled down my face. 

"You couldn't hate me, but its to bad because your coming wither you like it or not, you have no choice in the matter" he yells, i could see he was shaking and ready to shift but he was holding it back. 

"Well you wont have a happy mate,  a mate that wont talk or touch you, Toby my life is here with my kids, maybe in the future i will come with you but I'm not ready right now to life in a pack or see my father, and i have to sort things with Dean" i told him, he growled then stormed out the room and through the front door, i felt my heart break but i had to stand up to him if this relationship if going to work because if hes just going to force me into doing things its not going to work one bit. 



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