Chapter 7 - Visiting

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Walking with a triple pram was heavy, people looked at me weird as i was pushing it up the hill. I had James with me but he didn't bother helping, not that i really need his help but it would have been nice to ask. 

"I am Victoria Cart, i am the mother of Hunter Cart am here to pick him up" i said to the nurse at the desk, she typed on her computer for a minute before signaling to go through, we were met by a doctor as i walked through the double doors. 

"Hello Tori, its lovely to see you again" He said shaking my hand, he smiled at the girls before leading me in to get Hunter, i left the girls in the pram in the waiting Room with James. 

"Hows he doing doc?" I asked. 

"He's doing great, we just need to have regular check ups, hows Dean is he working today?" he asked, i nodded. 

"Yeah he is and am not sure how he is, i haven't seen him since 2 days ago" i said, he glanced at me and made sure Hunter was alright. He picked my little boy up, he was wearing a small baby suit which i picked out for him. It looked bigger on him than the ones his sisters are wearing, i held my baby boy close and smiled at him.

"Time to go home now little man" i said, the doctor did one last checks and took of his security tag that all the babies have to wear now. 

I sat him down in his part of the pram gently, James smiled when he leaned over and started playing with his hand, I went with the doctor over to the desk to make a new appointment for all my babies to get weighed and checked over. 

"Time to go home" i smiled at James, i wheeled the pram back out, getting smiles of some of the midwifes.

"Hows your mum?" i asked James as we walked out of the ward.

"Shes good, shes asked me to ask you if you would come for dinner some time soon, she would love to hear how you guys are doing" he said, i nodded.

"Yeah that would be cool" i said smiling. 




Home at last, i thought. I sat the pram in the middle of the living room, taking off my coat before getting the girls and now Hunter out of the pram and setting them in there moses baskets that were now down stairs for them during the day. 

Hunter had his eyes open looking around the room. 

"Your home now honey" i whispered, James made us tea before sitting down and turning the TV on. 

"When you going to call Dean?" he asked. 

"I should do it now i think" i said, i grabbed my phone and headed up stairs to make the phone call. 

It rang for a few moments before he answered.

"Hello Tori?" he said. 

"hello, am phoning to tell you, Hunter is home now if you want to come see him and the girls, and maybe we should talk" i said, i sighed. 

"yes of course, ill be round in about 2 hours, am at work right now but after ill come straight ho.... to yours" he said.

"You will come home Dean" i corrected him.

"Thank you thank you, i love you" he nearly shouted down the phone.

"Love you too, i got to go" i said before i hung up. 

I walked down stairs to see a worried looking James, Annabelle and Mia were crying and so was Hunter, James had Hunter in his arms trying to stop him from crying and he was trying to get the girl to stop. 

I Started making bottles up, As soon as i got back through i passed James a bottle for Hunter then i picked up the girls one by one and fed them one by one. 

"There that's better my babies" i said sitting them back in the basket. 

"how am i meant to be able to handle all 3 when Dean is at work?" i asked James, he shrugged and looked worried. 




Dean arrived a few hours later, his hair a little messy from the wind and his suit a little crumpled.

"Hello" i said hugging him. 

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to call you a terrible mother, your a great mother and i love you" he babbled out, i giggled then pressed my lips to his which made him stop talking, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him more. 

"I love you" i said pulling away from him, he smiled and went and said hello to the girls then held Hunter for a while.




*few weeks later* 

"Could you grab a few more bottles from the fridge" i shouted from the living room as i put Hunter into his part of the pram, he has grew a little more and was a lot healthier now. 

Dean walked through smiling, handing me some bottles and i put them in the bag, My dad had sent a letter asking if he could see me and the triplets so Dean was helping me get ready, he had work so he couldn't come. 



I arrived at the park and waited at the bench my father had told me to wait, but half an hour passed and there was no sign of him being here, i couldn't smell his scent or even sense he was near by. 

"Come on dad" i whispered, Mia gave me a cute little smile when i looked over at her, i couldn't help but feel bad, they weren't going to be in there grandfathers life because he was way to busy for them. 

I got up and started pushing the pram around the park looking around to see if i could find him but nothing came up so i decided to pop in and see Sandra who had the day off.

"Oh my look how they have grown" she beamed picking up Hunter. 

"I know, there a hand full but" i said laughing, James walked down stairs with who i believe was his 2 friends, they looked me up and down then at the pram with the girls still sleeping. 

"Hey Tori" James said giving me a one armed hug, i hugged him back and glanced at his very attractive friends.

"This is Tori, Tori this is Mason and Jack" he said motioning towards his friends, i nodded and smiled at them.

"How did all of them come out of you?" the one called Mason i believe said in shock, i laughed and shrugged.

"I donno really" i said, I had dinner with them that night. 

"Its good to see you Victoria, and i hope you pop in sometime soon" Sandra said hugging me, she kissed the triplets head as i moved the pram out the door, i hugged James and waved at his friends, I walked home slowly.

I suddenly felt eyes burning the back of my head, i turned around but didn't see anything, at that moment i started to walk faster, my protectiveness over my pups was kicking in. 

"Victoria why are you running?" i heard a voice say, a tall dark figure stepped out in front of me, i nearly screamed. 

"Dad, i'm going home" i snapped pushing the pram past him, he grabbed my arm, i growled quietly.

"I want to see my grandchildren" he snarled.

"You had the chance to see them earlier but you never showed up so you don't get to see them" i snapped ripping my arm away from him and sped off down the path towards my house. 

Once i got home i felt safe and warm, i was so tired that i left Dean with the triplets and went to take a lye down up stairs, it was now 8 o'clock at night and i didn't expect to be woken up that night apart from the cry's of my children wanting milk but i was dead wrong. 



"Wake up" someone shouted and shoked me, "FIRE......." 



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