Chapter 12 - Birthday

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"Happy birthday!" i said to my children, they were 1 today and were going to be having a birthday party with friends and family, well Deans family and a few of my new Friends. 

We had moved into our own house about a month after we lived at Dean's mother's and am glad am out of there, i like to have my own space, its where i;m comfortable.

Hunter has got a lot bigger and was now off the tank when he was 3 months old, now hes playing with his sisters, waddling around on his little legs.

"Right guys, lets get you all in the bath then go for birthday breakfast, how about it" i said, they all smiled and started giggling while sitting up by them self on the floor in the huge living room. 

Our house has three bedrooms, Dean had got a promotion in his job and i got money from the fire so we bought a house, we have kept the kids in the one bedroom until they are a little older then i would move the girls into there shared room and Hunter would have his own space from his sisters. 

We have a huge kitchen with a island in the middle where we all sit round for breakfast but we do have a dinning table which we use at dinner or if we have guests. 

"I have to go to work honey but i will be back before the party starts" Dean said while walking into the room in his shirt and tie, he walked over and kissed me goodbye then did the same to the girls then Hunter. 

"I'll see you later then" i said smiling, i love this man with all my heart, he was such a great father and boyfriend and i couldn't ask for more, I do think about what would have happened if i met my mate, would he have accepted my children? what would the alpha say if he knew about them? would he just throw them away?. I shouldn't dwell on the past when i have my future sitting giggling in front of me. 

"Right you guys, lets go" i said picking up Hunter and Mia then skillfully picking up Annabelle. 

"dadadadadada" Hunter said, i looked at him with a smile on my face, he was always saying dada. 

"Daddy is away to work, he will be back for your party" i told him, he smiled then nodded, i placed them on the floor of the bathroom and started getting there cloths off, the water was nice and warm for them and they all love baths so they splash and laugh and its like being in heaven to know they are happy. 

"Your getting me all wet you little monsters" i laughed, i heard a loud bang from down stairs, i froze and looked at my kids who heard it too and was now quiet and with a wondering look on their faces, i picked them up out of the bath and told them to be quiet which they listened to, i wrapped towels around them and hid them in the room where i could feel my wolf getting protective over her pups. 

They were playing with there toys when i heard foot steps coming up the stairs, i didn't have time to dress them but i put them at the corner of the room and told them to stay. 

"Be quiet for mummy and stay here" i told them, they smiled and nodded, i just hopped they would listen, the door handle started to turn and i growled. i noticed that Hunter jumped a little but then laughed. 

The door flow open and a large man was standing there, he looked older but i knew his face. 

"I told you i never wanted to see you again" i told him. 

"Victoria i want you to come home my sweet" he said, i growled when he looked at Hunter who was crawling out from behind me. 

"We are not going anywhere with you" i said, i used my hand to push Hunter back a little along the wood floor so he slid back. 

"He has got big" he said, i nodded. 

"Get out dad, i don't want you here" i told him, "you nearly killed us" i growled. 

"I know honey and am sorry, just please i want to see my grand kids" he said, i shock my head. 

"You are not there grandfather, you will never be there grandfather" 

"Alpha is worried about you, he sent me to see how you are doing" he told me, i froze.

"Why would he be worried about me?" i asked. 

"you are the mother of his pups" he said, my eyes widened. 

"You told him?" i growled. 

"He needed to know" he told me, i started to panic, "He wants to see you so he sent me to get you, you need to come home now honey" he said. 

"No, he doesn't want them, he didn't want me, i am not going back and i will keep running until you cant find me" i growled, but it was a weak panic growl, Mia and Annabelle has now sat beside there brother, and started to cry because i scared them with my growl, they haven't seen me in my wolf form yet and i don't plan on it until they are older that 1. 

"Honey he does, he just doesn't know where you are but i will tell him if you don't come with me" he growled. 

"No, you can tell the alpha that i don't want to see him at all and maybe one day he will meet his children but not yet, am not ready for that and i know they aren't, they think Dean's there daddy" i told him. 

"Alright my child, at least let me get a cuddle from my grand kids?" he asked, i stood up from my protective stand and nodded, i picked Mia and Annabelle up to stop them crying, Hunter was crawling to my dad and smiling, he picked him up and i could see the love in his eyes as he looked at him. 

"He looks like his dad, they all do" he told me, i nodded then glanced at my children. 

"Please don't tell him where we are" i pleaded, my dad looked at me with worried eyes. 

"I cant lie to the Alpha" he said. 

"You don't have to lie, just don't tell" i said shrugging, Mia was pulling at my hair and Annabelle was laughing. 

"Fine, but one day he will have to meet them" he told me, i nodded. 

We spent that morning dressing the children and then getting them breakfast, he was so good with them. 

"Tori you know i love you" he said before leaving, he stopped at the door and looked at me before hugging me tightly, "i am proud of you", those words took my by surprise, he has never said he was proud of me for years now. 



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