Chapter 14 - Flashback

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Mary (Tori's mother) at the side ---->

Flash back***

"Happy birthday my beautiful child" my mother said weakly as i walked into her bed room. The machines were still on keeping her alive just for my birthday, she wanted to see me turn 9. 

"Thank you mummy, how you feeling today? will you be coming to my party?" i asked her with a big grin on my face. I saw her smile drop. 

"I will try my best but you know mummy isn't well and she might not make it", my smile dropped and i nodded my head. 

She was diagnosed with bone cancer a few months ago they caught it to late to be able to do anything about it, her wolf had got it to so she couldn't heal my mum. I wasn't supposed to know this but i listened in on one of their conversations. 

"That's fine mummy, i hope you do come" i told her giving her a hug, i was having this huge birthday party with all my friends from the pack and there family's, even the alpha's son was there. I have a crush on Toby he is 4 years older than i am. He has never spoken to me a lot but he does chat.

His lovely brown eyes that you would just melt into, he had his wolf now but cant get his mate till hes 17 but if shes younger than him then he wont be able to get her till she comes of age and i'm hoping its me!.

I talked with my mum until she had fallen asleep just an hour later and so i went to get ready for my party, getting the decorations up and the play list sorted making sure all my favorite songs are on there. 

"Come on Victoria lets go get ready now" my auntie shouted, i laughed and ran off towards my room where she was going. 

"What dress do you want to wear?" she asked.

"The one mum bought for me" i told her pointing at this beautiful midnight blue dress that my mother said went with my midnight blue eyes. 

Jane my auntie put it over my head helping me, she didn't have to curl my hair since it was already wavy. 

"Go show your mum how beautiful you look" she told me, i looked in the mirror and nodded and headed off down the hall towards my mums room, there was people rushing around outside. The pack doctor and some of his nurses and my father was standing outside my mothers room.

"Daddy what's going on?" i asked him as i got closer to the room, his eyes snapped to mine and i could see the tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Honey your mummy cant make it to your party, we have to say goodbye now" my heart stopped when he said that, it cant be time. I walked up beside my mums bed and watched her as she was breathing slowly.  

"Mummy don't go" i said through tears, she opened her eyes a little and looked at me. 

"You look beautiful my child" she said, it was low so i had to lean in to hear her, i started crying. 

"Honey its time, mummy loves you" she whispered, i looked her her, kissed her cheek before her eyes closed and her breathing stopped, i collapsed to the floor as my body went weak and shaky. 

My dad did the same at the other side of her bed, the doctors left and let us be alone with her. I suddenly felt a strong wave of anger, the doctors didn't do anything to save her, it was their fault that my mum had died.

I stood up, not crying anymore just anger racing through my veins. My dad couldn't look at me. I stormed out the room and down the corridor till i found the doctor outside.

"Its your fault" i growled at him, his eyes snapped to mine, there was pity in them directed at me. 

"Victoria go be with your dad, you need each other at this moment" he said, my anger was building, everyone that was outside had stopped to watch what was happening. 

"No, its your fault that shes gone, you will pay" i screamed as i ran for him, i jumped on him and he fell to the ground. The anger was taking control of me. I started to claw at his eyes and biting him.

I felt arms wrap around me and i was pealed off the doctor, i started screaming. 

"Calm down" the person said, i recognized the voice instantly, it was Toby the alpha's son. I tried to get him off me but he pinned me to the wall with one arm and waited looking directly in my eyes waiting for me to calm down. 

Once the anger was gone i looked at him and saw his beautiful brown eyes and burst into tears, he let me go and pulled me into him as he hugged me i felt comforted but my mother was gone, there was no bring her back. 

After what felt like hours Toby let me go and looked in my eyes, i had to look up as he was taller than me. 

"Are you okay?" he asked looking concerned. i shook my head, of course I'm not okay I've just lost my mother, he took my hand and led me back inside away from the prying eyes and throw to my bedroom. 

"Want me to stay with you for a bit?" he asked. 

"Yes please i don't want to be alone" i told him, we sat on the bed for a minute before my dad walked in, his face red. 

"Honey come here" he said kneeling down and put his arms out to me, i ran to him and hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you for looking after her Toby" he said. 

"Its no problem, anytime" he said to my dad before getting up and walking out the room. 

*** Flashback over****

I looked at my children and wished they could meet there father but i was to scared, i may be acting selfish but i don't want them to be rejected by there father and later in life telling them there daddy didn't want them. 

"I want to tell you about your grandmother, She was the most caring person you could ever meet and i wish she was still here to see how grown up i am and meet you guys, she would have loved you" i said to them, Hunter smiled at me. 

"I wish she was here, everything wouldn't be like this" i said tears filling my eyes once more. Dean walked into the room and saw i was crying. 

"Baby what's the matter?" he said coming over to me. 

"I miss my mother, i wish she was here" i had never talked about my mother to Dean before now. All he knew was that she had died. 

"I want her to be alive, she would never have thrown me out" i cried into Deans shoulder. 

"Honey things would have been different, but think of it this way you have me and your beautiful children to take care of now, and i will care for you for my whole life". 



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