chapter 24 - kidnapped

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"Come on Toby!" i shouted as i ran through the forest following a scent we had picked up, Toby woul be faster than me if i wasn't a mother trying to find her pup.

"Wait up it could be dangerous" he shouted after me, i ignored what he said and just kept running and running following the scent that was driving my wolf mental, ready for blood.

I soon lost the scent and came to a stand still, looking around for Toby's wolf but also sniffing the air to try and catch the scent again, i couldn't see Toby or hear him.

I began to walk sniffing the air, i froze in my place as i smelt my little girls scent, looking around she must be here, its so strong that she must be somewhere close by. I started running towards the scent and as i got close i was pushed to the ground, lucky i was in wolf form i turned around and growled at the person who pushed me and i froze, fear crept its way up my paws and through every vain in my body.

I was staring at the man in my dreams, the red eyed man who haunted me, he had a strong smell coming from him so i breathed in, it was mixed with Mia's but i could make it out, pine and rotten wood should be easy to remember.

"My little Victoria " he said, his cold voice made my skin crawl, he had a evil smirk on his face as his fingers trailed along my fur, i shivered in fear of this man.

"Shift to human so we can talk my love" he said, i felt sick when he used that name for me, i did shift back but instantly put one of Toby's tops on that i had tied to my ankle, it stops just above the knee, i could sense Toby near by but not near enough yet that he would sense someone with me.

"Now give me back my daughter" i spat, i hid my fear well but soon enough his distance to me made me shiver as i could feel his hot breath on my neck, i felt sick and i wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

"Only if you leave that man and come with me, you are my mate not his but he has brain washed you to believe so" he said cruelly.

"That's isn't true, Toby is my mate not you, listen you are mistaken all i want is my child back please" i begged, i felt my confidence leaving me but i had to try and stay strong for my babies, they all need me right now.

"No little mate, you are mine and always will be, i can prove it, and you can stop calling yourself Victoria you don't have to lie to me Ava" he smiled wickedly as i gasped, i haven't heard that name in years, when looking at my shocked face he smiled brighter.

"How do you know that name?" i asked, i could hear my voice breaking but i don't care.

"You are my mate of course i know your name Ava" he said putting his hand on my waist, it made me move away from him which he didn't like and he growled before forcing me beside him, before i could do anything i heard the most fearful growl i have ever heard, my eyes snapped to Toby, who was standing there naked, i guess he didn't bring any clothes with him.

"Get your hands of my mate" he growled, the man that was holding me smirked before howling in the air causing my fear to shoot up and before i knew it lots of wolfs came flooding out the forest and ran straight for Toby, i screamed and screamed but this man kept pulling me away, i felt a sharp pain in my arm and as i looked down i noticed a needle sticking out.

"Why are you doing this?" i asked sleepily as my eyes began to close.

"Sleep now my love, we will be home soon" was all i heard before my eyes fully closed and darkness took over me.

*Flashback dream*

"Victoria" my mother shouted, i smiled and ran to her room. I sat next to her on her bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I would like to tell you a story" she said smiling but i could tell it was a sad smile, this story i could tell would be hard for her to tell.

"Of course mummy, i love to hear your story" i said smiling, she smiled and nodded.

"This story is about 2 little girls, both identical, and these little girls were called Victoria and Ava, when these beautiful little girls were born it was a bad time, the pack was being under attack by rouges, some rouges had gotten to where Victoria and Ava where being kept save and just as there father was protecting them, one of the rouges slipped past them and took one of the babies, Victoria this is a real story my baby, and i hope one day it will come in handy" my mother told me with tears running down her face, i couldn't help but tear up myself.

end of dream/flashback!*

My eyes flickered open and i looked at my surroundings, it was dark but i could make out that i was in somebody's bedroom.

I sat up feeling a little dizzy but controlled it. As i started to move i smelt a scent i hadn't smelt in so long, my baby, i ran to the door and followed to scent to a different room, i stood outside waiting for a moment controlling myself not getting my hopes up because what if shes not here and this is a false scent like before.

I slowly opened the handle and looked in, right there sitting on a little bed was my baby, her eyes red from crying, her eyes snapped to me and i began to cry, she smiled and ran to me, i couldn't help but feel joy that my baby was safe.

"My baby, your safe" i chanted, i couldn't stop hugging or kissing her as i cuddled her to my chest.

"Can we go home now mummy, i don't like the scary man" she said, anger started to build up inside me, that man scared my baby girl.

"Did that man ever hurt you Mia?" i asked, she shock her head and i felt relieved.

"No mummy he just keeps me in here, when am i getting to see Annbell and Huner" she asked, i smiled at how she cant quiet pronounce her bother and sister's names.

"You will see them soon Mia, just hang tight okay" i said, she smiled and nodded, i lifted her up and took her back to the room i had been in, she will be with me at all times i wont let her out of my sight again.



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