chapter 6 - space

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Today I got to take Mia and Annabelle home, hunter was still to small and fragile at the moment to join his sisters but in a few weeks he should be able to come home.

"Make some bottles up for me will you" I shouted for dean, I was changing both my girls nappies and before I new it dean was behind me sitting a bottle down.

"Thanks baby" I said kissing his cheek. I finished of changing the girls then got dean to feed Annabelle while I fed Mia.

"Your brother will be here before our know it" I whispered to them both, after they ate they went for a nap.

Dean and i settled down to watch a movie, we started making out. Dean had went to the toilet and before i knew it i had fallen asleep.

*3 hours later*

I felt someone shake my shoulder, I opened my eyes to see Deans mum Sam smiling at me, I sat up and gave her a little hug.

"How are you feeling dear?" She asked.

"Tired, its only the first day of having 2 home and am already tired"

"Well Dean and John have gone to the park with Mia and Annabelle"

"Why didn't you go? "

"Well I didn't want you waking up and freaking out because everyone was gone" she laughed.

She had always  accepted me even being pregnant .

She made me some food as i sat on the couch and put on the TV. 

"So how has been looking after the girls?" she asked. 

"Its been good, glad there home just wish Hunter was here to, its been a little hectic though" i said laughing a little. 

We sat chatting for a while before Dean and his dad came home with the girls. We all sat down to a nice home cooked dinner that Sam and myself had made well more like Sam but i tried but i cant cook to save myself. The girls were happy when Sam and John where here but as soon as they left Annabelle decided she wanted to scream the house down. 

"Please stop crying baby" i rocked her in my arms trying to get her to calm down. 

"please, i don't know what you want" i whined, My wolf was walking around my head heart broken because she cant calm her pup down.

"Let me take her" Dean said walking over to me, i shook me head.

"I can do it" i nearly shouted, i checked her nappy but it was clear, i then tried to feed her but she wouldn't eat, i had already tried winding her. My wolf was about to explode any minute.

"Relax, she can sense your stress" Dean said to me, i rolled my eyes.

"Fine you take her, I need some air" i said handing Annabelle to him, i ran out the door leaving dean standing there looking shocked. He has never seen me this mad before now.

"Tori!" he shouted but i was already in the woods running far away so i could shift, my wolf had been restless but worried for our pups so she wouldn't leave them. 




I returned home feeling refreshed, my wolf was happy but worried for her babies.

"where have you been?" Dean shouted as i walked in, I rolled my eyes and went passed him checking on my girls before going upstairs for a shower.

"I'm talking to you Victoria" he shouted, i cringed as he used my full name.

"what?" i snapped turning to meet his eyes.

"you cant just run off like that, your acting like terrible mother" he shouted, i stepped forward and slapped him across the face, how dare he call me a terrible mother. 

"how dare you, i want you to leave, right now. Pack your stuff and go to your mothers" i said steadily, I grabbed his suit case and started putting his cloths into it.

"stop, am not going anywhere" he shouted trying to stop me. 

"your leaving" i said still packing, he grabbed my arms and spun me to look at him.

"i am not going anywhere, you are my life and the girls need me" he shouted in my face, i ripped my arms away from him, i saw shock cross his face.

"we will talk about this when i want to, and right now you will go to your mothers" i snapped, i packed the rest of his clothes and carried it down stairs, Dead kissed the girls heads before looking at me.

"ill call you tomorrow and see if you have more sense" he was about to kiss me but i moved my head away from him and opened the door, he left. 

I sighed and went to make a cup of tea, i just throw out my boyfriend, i started laughing when waiting on the kettle, i didn tknow why i was laughing but that laughter turned into tears, small tears that sit in your eyes but wont run down your face.

Once i cleaned up the kitchen and i carried Mia and Annabelle's mosesbaskets upstairs i got changed and forgot about taking a shower because i would worry to much about the girls, i climbed into bed and sang to them. 

The bed felt bigger without Dean, I started singing the song my mother used to sing to me, i can still hear her voice and smell her perfume.

"little child, be not afraid..." i sang.



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