Molly Hooper X Fem Reader ( Sherlock)

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Summary: Scotland Yard, Sherlock and John meet Mollys Wife when she arrives on a crime scene, They are Surprised to see who Captain Hooper was to Molly.


Third person pov...

Sherlock was stumped, this case he had been working on had been going on for 4 days, he couldn't find anymore clues about what happened.

Sherlock and John were at Bart's with Lestrade and Molly. The four were trying to think of something to help the case.

A phone then went off.

It was Mollys phone, she grinned once she saw who has texted her.

Hey love, I'm coming home.

Molly was over joyed she couldn't stop smiling. The person who messaged her was Y/N Mollys Wife.

Hey love, I'm coming home.

Cant wait, meet you at Barts.

Molly texted back before she put her phone away and saw the men looking at her.

"Sorry, but I have someone coming here  who might be able to help" she said grinning before walking out of the lab to make another drink for herself.

10 mins later...

The door opens making the three men look thinking it was Molly but instead it was someone different.

"Captain Hooper!" Exclaimed Lestrade he was surprised to see her.

"Hello, DI Lestrade"she said back as always she wasn't very vocal "this is the right lab?" She muttered go herself while the men looked at her still.

Finally Molly appeared, she shocked everyone (apart from Y/N) by going over to Captain Hooper and pulling her into a kiss.

Y/N smiled "Hello Love" she whispered.

"What!" Exclaimed John and Lestrade sherlock was confused, "oh yeah, guys this is Y/N Hooper my Wife" said Molly as if it was common knowledge.

The end!

Hope you liked it! First one for Molly.

Word count: 300

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