Chapter 10 - Feelings

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Recommended song to listen to while reading - 애 (Oh) by Stray Kids

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Recommended song to listen to while reading - 애 (Oh) by Stray Kids


That's all I had to hear to make me bawl my eyes out. I started sobbing and my brother came almost immediately to hug me, telling me that I should let it all out and that I can tell him if something is bothering me or hurting me.

 We sat down on my bed and I started explaining the whole situation, Jay wiping away my tears;

"Things got awkward between us after I started hanging out with a girl named Eunji. Everything started going down heel when I told Sunghoon that I can't hang out with you guys because I have plans with her. That day, I came back late and saw Hyung being really annoyed and pissed off for some reason so I asked him if he is okay. He told me that it's none of my business and, since then, he ignored me every time I tried to talk to him. I gave up and, for a week straight, we avoided each other. Until 2 days ago, when he told me that he talked to the dean and that I can move out. I-I was really hurt but I neglected my feelings and overworked myself to keep my mind away from him...." I finished, another tear falling down my puffy cheeks.

"Both of you are idiots. But I'm not going to butt in your problems. You guys should solve this without my or anyone else's help. And.... What did you do to overwork yourself exactly?"

"I already know that. I can't do anything until he decides that he wants to talk to me. And I worked on my projects for... a while..."

"What do you mean by 'a while'?"

"Like.... 11 hours...."

"WHAT??? Are you crazy?!!! You should be happy that you didn't pass out! Please tell me that you, at least, ate something."

"I'm sorry....And no, I didn't..."

"Of course, you didn't." Jay Hyung exhaled, trying to keep his calm. I wasn't making it easy for him. "Promise me that you will never do something like this again. If you have something on your mind, come to me. I will do my best to help you solve the problem."

"I promise.... And I'm really sorry..." I looked at him, feeling guilty for making him worried.

He was right. I shouldn't destroy my health for people that don't even care about me...

"Good. I need to go now... I have a course in 20 minutes so I should hurry and leave. I will text you later! Call me if you need me!"

"Okay, I will. Thank you, Hyung." How did I get so lucky to have such an amazing brother?

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