Chapter 12 - Fighting for you

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Recommended song to listen to while reading - Middle Finger by Bohnes

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Recommended song to listen to while reading - Middle Finger by Bohnes


They didn't like that though. Sunwoo came closer to me and, before I knew it, I was  aggressively pinned to the locker and punched. 

You might be wondering: Isn't he scared that he will get in trouble? No, he isn't because he is rich and his dad is a sponsor of this college so he can do whatever he wants. The Uni wouldn't risk it.

I got myself together and walked out of there as fast as I could. People were filming the whole scene so I tried my best to cover my face with the hoodie I was wearing.

Throughout the day, I skipped all my classes and just watched some movies to distract myself from the events that took place only a few hours ago, or, better said, for the past 2 weeks.

Later that day, my phone started blowing up. The video of me being bullied was going viral in our department. Brilliant! That's a l needed, all I fucking needed.

My phone started ringing. Jay was calling me, probably because he heard the rumor's or something.

"Hello?" I responded nervously.

"Jake! Are you okay?! What happened and why didn't you tell me?! They wouldn't let me out the gates and I'm so ready to jump over and literally kill that fucker who dared to touch you!! What is wrong with him?!" Angry Jay is the scariest. He is usually really calm and, when this part of him comes out, it means that something really bad happened. He was literally ready to jump over the gates that were 2 meters high! At almost midnight!

"Hyung, I'm okay. It's just a little bruise that it can be can covered easily-"

"How can you be okay?! This is the second time he hurt you and I'm not going to let it go until that asshole gets what he deserves!"

"Hyung, please calm down. There is no point on getting involved with him! Please don't get into a fight with him! I don't want you to be in trouble as well!" I tried to make him realize how stupid his idea was, but all I got was silence. "Hyung! Promise me!"

"... fine, whatever! I will come to check up on you tomorrow! Okay?"

"Okay, but only after 9.30 pm because I have an important class in the morning."

"Alright. Please, please take care of yourself and I SWEAR if that bitch touches you ONE MORE TIME, he is dead."

"Okay. I will. You too, take care."

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