part 16

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Soon it was morning and our parents rushed to the hospital after hearing about Asuna, and they saw me. They wanted to believe it was me but they were skeptical about me until I told them only things that I would know, and what only they would know. Then they embraced me with tears in their eyes I was back, and then for the first time in a long time I finally cried.

Y/N: Ugh.

???: Mr. Yuuki is there a problem?

Y/N: No sensei.

Then the bell went off telling us classes had ended.

???: Thats all for today remember to read page 50 to 63.

I got up grabbed my bag and left. I ended up filling out a lot of things considering I was dead, but not anymore I walked to the cafeteria and saw two girls I help in Sao.

Y/N: Hello you two.

Rika: Hello Y/N.

Ayano: Hello Y/N.

I sat down beside Rika and rested my head on the table.

Y/N: Ugh.

Rika: Whats wrong Y/N?

Y/N: Your slaps really hurt you know.

Rika: Well you deserved it. You promised that you would come back to me alive.

Y/N: Well I mean I did half of that promise.

Rika: Think about how I wanted to see you after Sao only to be told you were dead.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Rika: I'm just happy your back.

Ayano: Are you both going to the meeting today?

Rika: Yep.

Y/N: I will end up being dragged along.

After school ended we made our way to the meeting area and I had no idea where to go, so they lead me to this building with a reserved sign on the front.

Y/N: Is this it?

Rika: Yep.

I sighed and opened the door seeing a few people I've met in Sao.

Y/N: I feel like we're late.

Rika: No we're not. The star of the show always shows up late, so we showed up at a later time.

Y/N: I'm going back to the hunter's dream.

Rika grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.

Rika: No your not.

I was placed on top of a create and she stood beside me.

Rika: Lets have a cheer, everyone. Ready!

Everyone: U/N, congratulations on beating SAO!

I was covered in confetti and Rika handed me a drink. I was still a bit shocked but I walked towards the bar and sat down.

Y/N: Bartender, get me a whiskey.

He passed me a glass and when I smelled it I knew it wasn't whiskey.

Y/N: This isn't whiskey, smells like tea.

Klein: Agil, get me a real one.

Y/N: You sure about that Klein? Aren't you going back to work after this?

Klein: Can't pull over time without alcohol. And...

He looked over to the girls.

Y/N: You do anything stupid Klein, and I'll bring out my scythe.

Klein: U-Uh, yes.

Y/N: Oh Agil, how has the seed been?

Agil: Amazing. There are around fifty mirror servers. A hundred thousand downloads. And there are three hundred major servers that actually run it.

Y/N: Hey, we're still going to the same place for the after-party, right?

Agil: Yeah, at eleven tonight. We meet in Yggdrasil city.

Y/N: Alright that's good. Now where's my whiskey?

Agil: Your still underage.

Y/N: By one year.

Agil: Still not old enough.

Y/N: Fine.

After the party I walked with Rika to her home.

Y/N: Although I did die its nice that I don't have to go home to log in the game.

Rika: Must be, how was the party?

Y/N: It wasn't bad. This is nice I missed talking to you.

Rika: I also missed things like this.

I turned to her and kissed her.

Y/N: I'll see you in Alfheim.

Rika: I'll wait for you.

As she went into her house I went into the hunter's dream and saw Doll and Gehrman.

Doll: Hello good hunter.

Gehrman: It seems that you've done what you needed to do, but your journey is not yet done you will have more challenges in the future.

Y/N: Can I get a sneak peek?

Doll: You can not.

Y/N: Alright, then I'll wait and see what happens. Goodbye Doll and Gehrman.

I got into Alfhiem online and met up with Lisbeth. We flew to where Aincrad was floating passing Kirito and Leafa.

Y/N: Kirito come on lets actually beat this place.

Kirito: Alright we're coming.

Slowly everyone flew towards Aincrad prepared to complete all one hundred floors.

A/N: Sorry for this being short, hope you enjoyed this story so far. Also from monday I posted a 4 new story's so if anyone wanted to read it I would appreciate it.

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