part 2

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After two months passed 2000 players have died in this death game, but we haven't even beat the first floor or found the boss room, and the beta testers couldn't find it until today. Asuna and me went to a meeting, but she found a cloak she like and hasn't taking it off.

U/N: Asuna why can't you take off the cloak?

Asuna: It makes me seem mysterious besides you got that face mask like from that game you always play.

U/N: ...Oh hey look a couple of seats over there let's go.

Me and Asuna sat away from mostly everyone, and waited for more people to show up. After a bit of time passed it seemed that everyone was here and someone walked to the center, and got everyone attention by clapping.

???: Okay people! Now that everyone's here lets get this meeting started, so anyway I would like to thank everyone for coming. My name is Diavel and the job I rolled is knight.

This gave everyone a laugh and someone shouted.

???: Dude theirs no job system in this game!

Diavel: You guys want to hear this or not. Right anyway here's the deal our party for the boss room at the top of the tower today.

This got everyone talking, and shocked then Diavel started talking again. 

Diavel: First we need to defeat the boss and make it to floor 2. The next step is that we have to tell everyone waiting in the town of beginnings that it is possible to beat this game. Fact is, its our duty as the most capable players here. Do you agree or not!

Everyone took bit and started talking among themselves until someone started clapping then everyone else started joining the clapping.

Diavel: Okay glad to see everyone is on board with this, now lets figure out how we are going to defeat the boss first off we are going to team up in a party of six. A typical party doesn't stand a chance this is why we need a raid group made up of multiple parties.  

Looking around everyone was getting together seeming like they already knew each other, and when I looked to my right I noticed a familiar panicked looking guy. Until he saw me and Asuna he very quickly scooted over to us not recognizing me because of a mask, and don't ask me how.

Kirito: So you both got left out to huh? 

Asuna; Not even. I wasn't left out it just seems like everyone is already friends.

Kirito: Well can I join your party?

U/N: Sure he did say we should have a team were just not going to have six.

Kirito: Wait a minute U/N is that you? 

U/N: Hey Kirito.

Kirito: Hey why didn't you say anything before.

U/N: I just noticed you when everyone was getting a team together.

Kirito: Oh well anyway where did you get that mask? 

U/N: ... Found it in a chest.

Kirito: Are you going to answer anymore questions or are you going to dodge the answer?

U/N: Yeah 20 million col I'll give you an answer.

Kirito: Uh... no I think I'm good, anyway mind if you invite me to your party.

U/N: Yeah alright. Here we go.

I invited Kirito and when everyone was in a party Diavel started talking again, only to be interrupted by someone who yell and then jump like an idiot to where Diavel was.

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