Part 3

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After the fight with the boss I went with Kirito.

Kirito: What are you doing here?

U/N: Following you duh.

Kirito: But why I made myself a bad guy?

U/N: Can't have you dying just because you wanted to go lone wolf.

Kirito: I can't convince you other wise can I.

U/N: Nope.

Kirito: Oh well come on let's go level up.

Giving a nod I pull up my face mask, and put on the hat looking like the hunter from bloodborne, and we went to the next town to level up.

Time skip

Well after a bit of time we leveled up pretty high as well as getting to higher flowers, but we found ourselves in a inn after saving some people in a guild called the moonlit black cats, and they then invited us for some food as thanks, we also got their names after the fight.

Ducker: Here's to use the Moonlit black cats cheers!

Everyone: Cheers

Ducker: Here's another for the two that saved our lives. To Kirito and U/N!

Everyone: To Kirito and U/N!

Kirito: Cheers guys.

U/N: Cheers I guess?

They all started thanking us again especially Sachi.

Sachi: I cant tell you how sacred I was, and it made me so happy when you both came to save us.

Keita: Oh I hope you both don't mind if I ask but what level are you both at?

Kirito: Oh uh... we are both level 20.

Keita: Oh wow not bad both of you must be really good at fighting sir.

U/N: Please stop I don't want to be addressed like an old guy.

Keita: Oh yeah sorry. Well in any case I don't want to spring this on you, but we would love to have you both in our guild. Our mace wielder Tetsuo is the  only one we can put out front right now, and then we got Sachi right here I was thinking about switching her to sword and shield. That way she can be in the front lines. Thing is she says she might not be able to handle it if you both join us she might learn a thing or two from both of you.

U/N: Well I don't mind might as well try something new what about you Kirito?

Kirito: Yeah why not I'll join. 

A month later we were fighting a killer mantis helping the guild level up, and when it was finally defeated they celebrated with me and Kirito with a smile on our faces, but to keep our levels high we went to the higher floors at night one night was different.

Kirito: Alright well I'm going to head back you gonna come along?

U/N: No I might just stay here for awhile I'll head back later.

Kirito: Alright see you later man.

U/N: See you later. 

When Kirito left I walked deeper into some woods, and I got far enough where no one would be here. I opened my inventory looking for a certain weapon that I made, and then I found it the saw clever. I don't know how I got it. One day it just suddenly appeared, and I was just confused the way its upgraded by these blood stones. I once asked a information broker about the blood stones but she didn't have an idea about it, so I asked her to keep it a secret. I couldn't use it because I don't know what will happen if I do it could change me or the world make it more threating than now. 

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