part 5

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I found myself on the 56th floor with top many players that clear the floors, and we were discussing on how we would take on a field boss named the Geocrawler, and the person giving the plan was none other than my sister. 

Asuna: We'll lure the field boss into the village.

Kirito: W-Wait a second. If we do something like that, the villagers... 

Asuna: That's the goal. While the boss is killing NPCs, we're going to attack it, and then destroy it. 

Kirito: NPCs aren't just 3-D objects like trees or rocks. Look their-

Asuna: You think their alive? Is that it? They're only objects. Even if they're killed they'll just respawn.

Kirito/Asuna: U/N Don't you agree with me?

Everyone was looking at me while I whispered to Klein.

U/N: Look their first lovers quarrel.

Klein gave a slight chuckle, but I realised that it was quiet enough that everyone heard me.

Kirito/Asuna: U/N!

Kirito: Anyway I can't go along with that plan.

Asuna: It's been decided that this operation will be run by myself, and you will obey my orders. 

They kept staring at each other until I intervened.

U/N: Alright as much as we love this lovers quarrel between you two, were getting a bit uncomfortable.

Kirito/Asuna: Hey!

U/N: So I think we should take a day, everyone go do whatever!

Everyone started leaving, and I followed Kirito only for Agil to call out to us.

Agil: Hey. You two got into it again huh?

Kirito: Agil?

Agil: You and the second in command... why are you two always like that?

U/N: It was love at first sight until he met me now t-

Kirito: No it's not besides I met you first.

U/N: Oh yeah.

Kirito: We just don't have good chemistry. Who knew that she'd turn into a floor-clearing demon in the top guild?

Time skip

It's been quite a bit since the discussion on the field boss, and now Kirito and I are both resting under a tree it wasn't a bad day out either although I do prefer the rain. Until we were interrupted by a familiar voice.

Asuna: What are you doing? 

Letting Kirito deal with her because I was tired.

Kirito: Oh, it's only you.

Asuna: Everyone else in the assault team is going all out to clear the dungeon, so what are you two doing taking a nap here? Even solo players need to take this more seriously-

Kirito: Not only is this Aincrad's nicest season, but today's weather is at it's optimum setting. Diving into a dungeon on a day like this is a waste.

Asuna: Do you two even understand what's going on? Everyday we waste here is one more we've lost in the real world.

Kirito: But right now the place we're alive is here in Aincrad.

I felt a nice breeze before falling asleep, and upon waking up I noticed the sun was setting, and Kirito sitting on the wall turning to look at me with a smirk.

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