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Bella practically lived on the couch, only getting up to bathe and use the restroom. Everything else was brought too her as it was far to difficult for her to move around with her growing belly applying immense pressure to her frail body. 

They had been right about how fast the baby was growing and it seemed that the end was nearing faster than they all expected. Maisie prayed that it would be soon, the sooner Bella gives birth the sooner she could change and everything would be back to normal. She wouldn't have to keep things from Paul (...who was starting to grow concerned from their very few meet ups in the last few weeks) and they could find out whether the baby was really a threat. 

Though things never go as planned.

The tension between the other vampires and Maisie and Rosalie had fizzled out a bit. She no longer felt uncomfortable being around her friends and when she wasn't watching over Bella she was back to trying to beat Jasper in chess and was slowly coming to terms with it being completely impossible.

(...he just has to be cheating!)

Despite everyone else calming down, Edward was still avoiding his wife and glaring daggers into his sister and friends head whenever they happened to cross paths. Though Maisie noticed that no matter how disgusted he was by his wife's choices (...something that Maisie reminded him were completely valid whenever he dared to open his mouth to say something snarky) he only left the living room when absolutely necessary. He didn't say anything, usually sitting still as a statue and staring straight ahead - occasionally reading a book or half watching whatever was on the television.

Maisie understood that he was worried about Bella, his wife was quite literally deteriorating before his eyes and actively supporting the thing that was causing her all that pain. And Maisie wouldn't pretend that she understood why the human was opting to go through with something so painful and mysterious but it didn't matter. This was something that was important to Bella, she didn't know why and she probably never would, but it didn't matter.

"Bella you need to eat something," Rosalie had resorted to begging the human to try and consume anything, but everything they tried always came back up a little while later and the human was starting to loose the will to even try anymore, "If not for yourself than for the baby."

Bella groaned a little and looked at what Rosalie was holding out too her, just a singular piece of toast. No butter, peanut butter, or cinnamon. Out of everything Bella had managed to hold that down the longest, but apparently it had been incredibly unpleasant for her when it came back up.

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