He's Got Style

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Carly's POV
I was in Science class when I heard someone yell loudly, we looked to see who it is and it was a guy with an amazing looking make up and great fashion sense. He was well built like Leo but he gave off a very feminine vibe

"My outfit, ew" he said as his face is filled with disgust, Zoe was his partner for today's experimentation amd she accidentally poured the soft drink on his jacket
"jack*ss b*tch" he said to her before walking away

Everybody ignored him and went back to work, Zoe didn't even apologize to him. I did help him out of pity as I wet my handkerchief to atleast remove the stickiness from the soft drink, I sat down to a chair outside with him
"thank you, you are such a doll" he said to me, the way he moves is more feminine than I could be

"You're welcome" I said to him in a quiet voice, he smiled
"a gal helping another gal is an amazing move" as he stood up

"and My God look at this hair!" he touched my hair in awe
"it's so freakin soft I might as well make a pillow out of it"

I think making a pillow out from my hair would look like it will come out from a horror movie
"what's your name doll?"

"I'm Carly and you?"
"the beauty that you are seeing right before your very eyes is named Sage" he strike a pose at me and I let out a small laugh

"how come I never saw you in school? Are you new?" he asked me as walked around me in circles, it looks like he was trying to observe me
"what no!, I've been here since first year" I replied and he stopped

"really? cause I know every damn person in this hell hole of a school and you will not tell me that this is my first time seeing you here" he said to me with so much sass but it was really fun talking to him, his reactions are over the top

I rolled my eyes at him with playfulness "as if anybody knows you" I muttered under my breath
"I heard that" he squinted his eyes at me

We heard the bell ring meaning it's snack time
"I am really craving pizza rolls right now" I thought to myself
"sounds great" Sage replied, I was really craving food that I accidentally said it out loud

"but I want to eat something more refined, like shrimp" he added and I gave him the 'the hell you talking about' look
"shrimp seriously?" I told him in my most monotone voice I could muster up

He stood up and put one hand on his waist
"shrimp taste's good just so you know, I wouldn't want to destroy your eating fest with pizza rolls" he said in pretend disgust, he then cat walked away

"he's got style" I heard a voice from my right side and it was Natasha
"Sage wanted to major in fashion, she said that she wanted to dominate the fashion industry" Natasha told me while looking at me at a side glance

"thanks for the tip, I guess"

Natasha put her arm around me and we went to buy some snacks, I finally got a lot of pizza rolls and I now eat it like I was starved for days. I saw Sage eating alone at a table under some tree

I went to his table and at first I thought she was moping about nobody wanting to sit with her but then I saw a large sketchbook with color pencils that is spread everywhere on the table

What suprises me the most is "where the heck did you get spiced shrimp cocktail?" I asked Sage as I point to his food, she looked up at me
"I have connections in the school kitchen" she grinned at me

"can I have some? You can eat some of my grilled triple cheese toast" Natasha said to Sage and Sage just nodded
"you had me in cheese darling" Sage told her and Natasha laughed a little

I feel someone wrap one arm around my waist
"hey love" Leo whispered in my ear and he snatched some of my pizza rolls, I gasped "you thief!" I said in a dramatic tone at him

The worst part about Leo taking my pizza rolls is that he is not sharing his food
"don't worry doll, you can have some of ours. I swear the spiced shrimp cocktail is heavenly" Sage invited me

I thanked Sage and I crossed my arms at Leo who is now munching down on his sliced raspberry pie
"greedy" I mouthed the word to him, I sat down and ate a piece of shrimp along with the sauce and Sage was right

The food was really delicious, so delicious that it was heavenly. Leo sat beside me but I ignored him, tgere was suddenly a person that went up to our table
"good day! I was wondering if there are any of you who would want to join the BATTLE FOR THE CROWN GAMES?" he asked us

He looks like a preppy good student that every teacher would dream of having as a student in their class
"why would you ask us?" Natasha asked the guy and he showed us a paper that is on a clipboard

"nobody still hasn't signed up for the competition" he said
"look preppy boy" Sage talked to the guy
"if you want people to join, you guys should make some kind of prize that every student want. Not just some stupid knock-off plastic crowns that I can find in a store for just a dollar" Sage added

Sage was actually right, what use do we have of a plastic crown when we win the game?

"after winning prom king a lot of times, I assure you that having a plastic crown in a room sounds stupid enough" Leo whispered in my ear and I just agree with him

"now then, unless if it's cash money or a scholarship prize don't bother asking students to join such a game" Natasha told him and I look at the guy with an apologetic face, thankfully the guy is a sport so he didn't held any grudge at us

"now then.." I said and I everyone's  attention on the table
"I wonder how would they upgrade the prize for the game?" I said and they all also wonder too

While Leo is distracted I took his spoon and I took a huge bite from his pie, I saw his face and he looks like a kid

There was some crumbs and a bit of raspberry jam at the corners of his mouth, I smiled as I pulled out a new handkerchief and I cleaned the corners of his mouth

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