Nice Gun

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Carly's POV
While waiting for Leo to come back to the bedroom it took him a long time and I got curious as to what's taking him so long, so I went downstairs and I saw Leo by the front door entrance and it looked like he is talking to somebody

"Honey?" I asked him and he turned to me giving me way to see the person he is talking to, it was a woman around my age that is a bit taller with red hair that is paired with light brown eyes

And it was not only a woman there are 5 more people outside the door talking to him, they all have the same vibe that Leo give out when he was still a player
"They look like they shouldn't be trusted"

I slowly walked up behind Leo and peek from his back from the group of people outside
"Who's she?" One guy asked as he leaned into Leo's shoulder trying to get a better look at me

Leo put his arm at the doorway trying to stop him to get into the house
"What are you guys doing here?" Leo asked them, he is fuming with annoyance

"What do you mean dude? Jeremy told us" A woman in the group told him, her eyes went to me
"I see that you have found yourself a new fish that you caught" she said in a sly smile

"Alright that's it" I muttered, I went to my tippy toes and whispered to Leo's ear
"Who are they?"

"They're my old group of friends" he said softly

I was gonna stop asking more but the group tried to get in the house and Leo tried his best to be polite keeping them out
"What's wrong with you dude? I brought beer" a guy said, he looks like he's been using drugs because he looks like hell

"Trespassing is not right" I spoke up, the group ignored me and some scoffed at my remark. I rolled my eyes and went to Kathrina

I kneeled in front of her
"Sweetie, could you get my bag upstairs and after that could you go to your room for a moment?" I implored her and she agreed

"Those people look mean" she muttered to me

With those many people outside I know Leo can handle them but they are too many, Kathrina ran to Leo's room to get my bag and throw it downstairs to me and she ran to her room and locked it
"Is she calling the police?" The redhead woman asked her group

Then a guy who is the same height as Leo laughed
"There's no use calling the police since we'll be gone before they can arrive" he boasted as he is still gripping the box full of beer cans

"Oh I'm not calling the police because I know that already, that is why.." I pulled out my gun as I lock and load it, I point my gun at them
"I will do it on my own two hands" I finished off

They were still not threatened
"Nice toy gun b*tch" the girl stated and they sneered at me

I looked at Leo "Honey could you please move a bit?" I asked him sweetly with a smile, Leo has amusement in his eyes when he moved

I aimed the gun near to the feet of the woman and pulled the trigger
"F*CK THAT'S A REAL GUN!" The guy who I said looked like hell reacted loudly

"That crack on the floor will be all of your heads if all of you don't leave at the count of three so 1..." I threatened them and they quickly ran to their motorcycles parked at the front

"2" I let out as I pretend to aim at them as I do my stance

"Faster you f*ckhead!!" The redhead yelled to the person as she glared at me before they leave the street, all of the neighbours came out of their houses and tried to see who shot a gun but luckily I hid mine just in time

Leo shrugged his shoulders at the neighbour in front of his house and closed the door, he sat as soon as he closes it
"Those mother-" he was about to curse when Kathrina came out of her room to go downstairs and check, she ran to me

"I heard a loud boom are you two alright?" She looked up at me with her big eyes, I always known this since the first time that I met Kathrina that she looks like a doll

"Yeah we're alright" Leo's face looks tired, Kathrina was standing there but I gave her a reassuring nod to go up to her room

I Helped Leo up and we walk back to his room, I tucked him at the other side of the bed and I tucked myself next to him. Leo turned to face me and pulled me by the waist to make us closer

He looks like he doesn't want to talk about it so I didn't ask him any questions, he snuggled himself at the crook of my neck. I pulled the duvet to cover us

"You're not gonna ask?" His voice was now husky
"I don't think you're not ready yet if I ask you" I replied softly like a sleepy voice

I heard my phone at the bedside ring and my hands were out to reach it when Leo grabbed it first, he was on top of me with my hands were obtained with his and are now placed at both of my sides
"I didn't think of you like a fish to be caught" he explained to me

"I do not think of you that way so believe me when I say that what that woman is saying are not true, sure I may have dated a lot of girls but that was in the past and I am not cheating on you. They used to be good people but I guess they hung out with the wrong people after I move so I didn't expect them to act this way" he kept continuing to babble on trying to explain himself

I put my band on his chest and he calmed down, he was so caught up in explaining himself that he got worked up
"I know you because you would do your best to try to make yourself a better person" I told him

"So.." I put both of my hands on his shoulders and forced him to lie down
"Sleep" I smiled at him

My phone rang again so I answered the call

"Carly!" Stacy sounded like she is in a panic, I sat up quickly with Leo doing the same thing as I am

"What happened?" I asked her calmly in hopes that it could calm her down

"So me and Kevin had a fight but he suddenly disappeared and I tried calling his family and he is not home yet!" She told me loudly on the phone that Leo is now wearing his clothes

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