You Fight Like A Wussy

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Carly's POV
As we walked back to the ballroom we heard a loud scream from a woman, she kept yelling "FIRE!!"

We both looked at each other before running back to the ballroom to get everybody evacuated, the fire was spreading quickly and it was unknown who started it. All of the employees along with our families managed to escape but we were missing one person, a child

It was Leo's little sister Kathrina

The fire has reached the ballroom and we can hear loud sirens outside, the ceiling is starting to catch on fire but Kathrina was nowhere in sight. Leo grabbed me and looked a time straight in the eye "You have to get out"

"But what about you and Kathrina?!" I yelled back, I don't want to leave them both behind. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of my hand where he put the silver ring on me "I promise I'll come back"

"You promised alright?" I asked him and he nodded, he ran straight to another room but before I could reach out to him a large wooden ceiling frame fell down and blocked his exit path. I was feeling powerless in this situation so the only thing I could do is follow Leo's instructions so he could focus on saving Kathrina


I cried as I was left confused and running down the hallway trying to reach the exit, many chandeliers kept crashing down but thanks to reflexes I manage to keep avoiding them. I tore off the bottom of the dress since it was hard to run in them

Matt's POV
"WHERE IS CARLY!" I yelled out loud, everybody in the room was running out with panic that I was brought along with the crowd all the way out to the exit along with Jasper and Sean. Mom and Dad were helping Libby  find Leo and Kathrina while we were searching for Carly, Libby asked for all of her employees' help to find all three of them and they all agreed to her demands

We heard a chandelier crash loudly inside, the people who worked in the hotel said the fire started from the kitchen but nobody know how the fire spread so quickly that it reached the ballroom which is the other end of the hotel. A sudden thought came inside my head

"Oh f*ck" I said out loud that Sean looked at me "What?"

"Carly is in danger, the fire was a distraction she was the target" I went to the fountain and dunked myself in it along with a handkerchief before I ran to the fire and searched for Carly, I could hear my brothers and parents yelling out for me to stop but I can't because I need to save my little sister

Carly's POV
I was lost

The fire was too strong that I can't escape and I tried to keep on moving forward but with lack of oxygen I might die from suffocation, my eyes were becoming blurry and I could see someone approaching me with a mask on

A firefighter?

I called out for his help and I felt like my cry for help was answered before I could see black dots forming

Matt's POV
I could not find Carly anywhere, I tried calling out for her but there was no response. The ceiling above me looked like it was gonna break

I could hear loud footsteps approaching and I could see two guys with masks on that covered their entire face, one of them was carrying Carly who was unconscious. They don't look like firefighters and one of them has a knife at hand

Who the hell brings a knife in a fire?!

I knew from the moment I saw them they were dangerous but they have Carly and I needed to save her

"Matt! WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU!?" I could hear Sean's loud voice, that guy is a walking speaker and it turned out to be useful right now

I tried to call him but I felt weak like something is buried at my side. There was a strong scent of metal and I tried to search where it came from but it turns out

I was bleeding. A lot.

They took advantage of me calling out to Sean and stabbed me at my side, I didn't let them try to get to Sean because I grabbed one of them and used the same knife the guy was holding to stab himself because I grabbed his hand where the knife is

"SEAN RUN!" I yelled before I was kicked by the knee and I knelt down, the guy was bleeding but he was standing up in front of me

"How pathetic, so this is the so-called brother the boss' daughter ended up being families with? Ha! What a joke" his voice was velvety deep, his stature was also no joke because he was taller than me and more muscular

Ha! If they think I'm gonna die like this they are WRONG, I'm MATTHEW HUE MYERS AND I HAVE BALLS Of STEEL SO F*CK DEATH!

I laughed maniacally and struggled to stand up simultaneously, the guy was taken aback by what is wrong with me

"Dude, I think you stabbed a mental person" the guy told his friend while holding Carly

"You go first, I'll hold him back" they both nodded and the guy holding my sister is walking off

"SEAN! CARLY IS BEING KIDNAPPED!" I yelled out loud before landing a punch to his stomach, yes I am bleeding a lot but I need to beat the guy to death so I don't mind dying if I can drag the guy to hell with me

Can't meet with satan without a present, do we?

We both kept punching each other and the guy was actually good at fighting like he was trained to do this from the beginning, I don't have any special talents in fighting but I fight with a plan and I have made one

"You fight like a wussy" he mocked me with a chuckle

"Thanks" I grinned before pushing him at the fire behind him "I don't usually fight anyways"

I was punching him to make him keep stepping back slowly to the fire, compared to how close am I to the fire he was closer so I took advantage of it. The guy tried to stand up but I keep kicking him in his chest to make him stay in one place to be burned alive

Am I committing murder? Yes
But is it necessary? Yes
Do we have a problem? No

And the weird thing is, I'm taking pleasure in his pain and agony

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