Because You Are One

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Leo's POV
I know I am right because some parts looked the same to Liz, her eyes and her teeth

"Have you met her?" Brooke asked me and I nodded "Carly explained to me that she help her choose an outfit for our first date"

Tyler looked even more stressed than before "This is bad"

Carly's POV
I can hear the murmurs of my family and Leo but I couldn't understand much what they were saying because I was half asleep on Leo's shoulder, I didn't listen much to the conversation but when the name Liz popped up my ear perked up and I slowly raised my head

"You're awake" Leo caressed my hand in his with his thumb, my family looked so distressed

"Don't worry by now Sean has already got my blood, he will be alright" I gave them a lazy smile, Mom's eyes were watering as she put up a smile "of course, he will be alright"

"How are you? Can you still stand up?" Jasper asked me as he was prepared to rise from his seat to go to me, I raised my hand to stop him "no I'm alright, after an hour I can already regain back the blood I donated"

"You sure are a superhuman sis" Matt spoke as he sipped his iced coffee, my stomach grumbled from hunger

"Looks like all that blood that you got back used up all your energy so now your hungry, I'll buy you some food" Leo pecked my forehead with a kiss before he went off to the counter to buy food

Mom and Jasper went up to Leo as they also wanted to order too, it was only me, Dad and Matt was left on the table

"I'm glad he stood by you despite everything" Dad cupped my hands that were intertwined together. "All of this will be over don't worry," he assured me

"You shouldn't have brought me along, my existence brought a lot of misfortune to your family" I spoke and it made him startled along with Matt, I was starting to talk like I am a stranger to my own family
"Because you are one" My other self in my head told me

Before I took a quick nap, K pretended to be asleep as I listen to their conversation. They shouldn't have brought me along

He was about to say something else when in that exact moment Leo put the food in front of me and I ate it silently, Mom came back and sat beside Dad who was worried about me
"The food was good thanks" I said to Leo

Dad whispered to Mom about something, probably what I told him and Matt. "I will be going first" J left the table with Leo beside me

Leo noticed everything already "so are still sullen about it?" He stopped me at an area only we are the only people, I hugged Leo which surprised him and I cried on his chest

"My existence is a burden" I mumbled quietly, if I wasn't brought along maybe my foster family would have had a better life without being financially unstable during my first 5 years with them. They could have brought Matt into an elite school because of his talent in academics but we didn't have enough money to send him in one

I didn't remember at first that I wasn't their biological family member but as year's go by and many people kept telling me that I was adopted, I refused to believe them but I was one now after I knew the truth. I told Leo everything that was pent up inside me, all the guilt I felt for bringing such a heavy burden to them

"That's not true, you're not a burden" he comforted me by cuddling me with a bear hug

"I mean I feel like I am a burden to everyone around me, even to you" I raised my head as I gaze at him. I kept blabbering everything that I feel like I am the biggest sh*t in the world

Leo kissed me to shut me up "you were becoming noisy and slowly starting to lose your sanity" he caressed my chin and kissed me again

"It's because I am slowly losing my sanity" I spoke after the kiss, his forehead rested on mine as our noses touched

"Now then, don't forget the promise you made to me back at the laboratory, I don't want to see you in a padded room" he joked and I lightly shoved him as he chuckled

"Just kidding, we might as well dance in that padding room too" he told me as I encircled my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist

"When all of this is over we will be just like any normal couple" I said as I can imagine everything that we could do as a couple in the future. If we have one together.

"The foundation day is tomorrow" he said as we slow dance randomly at some private place
"How about we do the BATTLE just for us to take our minds off of this even for a moment" I suggested and his face lit up

Leo whispered in my ear "Christmas is also near too, so what is my present?" He asked eagerly which made me crack up

"So what do you want for Christmas?" I stopped our dance as I raised my brow at him, he puts on a thinking face then looks at me mischievously

"No not that" I told him and he cackled, "you seem to read my mind Love"

I leaned at the wall as I rolled my eyes at him "your mind is too dirty that I even know what you were thinking the moment you started doing that face"

He put a hand on the wall beside me "well you still love me nevertheless" I walked away from him and sat at a bench that was near the view of the city, we were on the hospital terrace

Leo sat beside me and took my hand and kissed the back of it "once this is all over I'll marry you" he grinned and I flicked his forehead, he nuzzled his face at the crook of my neck in our side hug

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