Carly Your Blood

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Carly's POV
Ryan raised a brow "Jana?"
I pointed to the little girl in the missing report case that was filed a long time ago "she looks like she is two years old here, or maybe it must be my imagination"

There was one time when we were little that we accidentally stumbled upon Jana's photo album and the girl that I saw in those pictures looked exactly the same in the missing children file

I shake my head and closed the file and laid it down on the table, the detective ended the interview and thanked me for my cooperation. My family was let in and Mom ran to hug me tightly, my dad followed then my brothers

Leo was watching all of us from a corner with a small smile, my family let go of hugging me and I hugged Leo
"We'll be ok" he reassured me in a whisper during our hug

•••••••few hours later••••••

My parents were next to be interviewed then my brothers are next when Leo suggested we visit Kevin for the third time after yesterday's visit, Jasper saw us and gave us a little nod before letting me and Leo go

My Dad told me that for now I have to tell my family where I am going to specific places so they can track me easily if I ever get kidnapped or worse stabbed, the car ride was quiet and there was no music to fill the void because I don't think listening to music would be a good time right now

Leo asked "How was Stacy?"
"She still hasn't come out of her room"  I replied sadly, Stacy blamed herself fully at what happened to Kevin. The day is bright outside but our moods were not sunny at all not even a little bit

"We didn't want the police to get involved but the situation got out of hand" Leo gazed at me after he finished parking the car "but maybe it is better for all of us, we are just teens and we don't know much what they can do to catch him"

"That is a hard pill to swallow" I joked and I smiled at him as he kissed my hand before we stepped out of the car,  I brought some of Kevin's favourite candies and snacks that Leo told me. It was for him if he ever wakes up from his long rest

Kevin's family moved him into a private room but they don't really care about the cost as long as they get privacy to Kevin, we were greeted by Kevin's Mom who opened the sliding door to walk out of the room

"Hi Miss Tint" Leo greeted her and lifted up the paper bag, Kevins Mom was in a sullen state just like his Dad as soon as I saw him beside Kevin

"Martee we should get some fresh air, you haven't left this room in a while" the wife asked her sullen husband and hesitantly agrees
"There are some police watching the door so I doubt any person can just get in here" Leo sat at the other side of Kevin who was still sleeping

The parents went out for a while and we are now left alone in the room with Kevin, I left the paper bag at a table and Leo was looking down on his friend that was in a deep sleep trying to recover

The doctors told us that he almost died but was resuscitated, we heard a knock on the door and a small conversation outside could be heard between the police guarding the door and a female voice

Stacy peeked in the room and my God she looked horrible, she looks tidy but her face is pale and her eyes were puffy from not getting a break from crying. I pulled Stacy into a hug and she just broke down again as soon as she saw Kevin on the bed, she whimpered and hid her face on my shoulder

"His fingers just moved" Leo spoke that stopped Stacy crying, Stacy ran to the other side of Kevin and looked close to his hand that was resting in his side. The index finger moved and we all looked at each other in happiness

••••••••••after 3 days••••••••••••

It was the 6th day that Kevin was in the hospital and three days since he woke up confused, Stacy stayed with Kevin until he could sit up and have a proper conversation. I don't think there was any tension or awkwardness between them anymore but they haven't talked it out

Leo brought Kevin's favourite food in a packed lunch box and gave it to Kevin who was still processing the information that he was stabbed
"I was?"

Hunter gave him a confused look and Tasha stopped looking at her nails as she glance at Kevin with a raised brow "you don't remember?"

Kevin shook his head and Brittney spoke up "it was said that he was stabbed but Kevin said the killer was wearing a ski mask so it was difficult to identify the person"

"I think it was a woman" Kevin suggested as he pointed to his wrist "she was wearing a silver bracelet with a butterfly charm"

Merlin nodded to whatever Kevin saying because it was valuable information and a clue
"Any news yet about the thief?" Hunter asked Merlin but he shakes his head slowly

"We are being played like puppets" Ross complained as he was sitting by the window

It was a slow day, we didn't find any clue that leads to the killer cut there was jaw-dropping news when we saw the wound "where the heck is the wound?" Stacy was puzzled at the supposed spot that the wound was supposed to be in

"I know there was a wound there because I saw some of his blood go to my clothes" Hunter walked up to Kevin who was also in a state of shock, Leo was trying to figure out something then his eyes went to me
"Carly your blood, you donated blood"

It was at that moment that I realized what Elijah was now desperate in killing children for and why he might be after me

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