We Got It Sage

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Carly's POV
We waited for Sage to come to the hospital since he and Natasha agreed to meet in my room, Stacy came back with both of our dresses to give to Sage because she went back to her home and visited mines to get my dress

There was a knock on the door and when it was opened, his sassy presence filled the room and I am not exaggerating since his presence was spelt out sassy in the air. He gasped when he saw me on the hospital bed

"Doll, what happened to you!?" He asked me loudly in a panic as he speed ran his way to me holding another designer purse, he squeezed my cheeks before looking at both sides of my face. His face showed more emotion even though we are not that close

"She is fine now Sage" Natasha assured him as he gave out a sigh of relief with one of his hands on his chest, his eyelash extension was something not to be messed around with since it was on point. His eyes went to the dresses that Stacy is holding

His acrylic nail finger pointed to it "Are these the dresses that I am going to redesign?" He asked and we all nodded

He held up my dress "And who owns this?" He looked at us, I raised my hand

"Ah! So you own this, don't worry, I can make these dresses elegant and sexy" he grabbed our dresses and folded them neatly inside a bag that he brought

I tapped Sage's shoulder "Are you sure you can do this by tomorrow? I can stop my request if you want" I feel bad that this was a sudden huge request that we would be asking of Sage

Sage snapped his finger in front of my face "Doll, look at me in the eye" he raised to finger to point to his eye "I swear to God, that I don't want any regret coming out of your damn mouth saying that I can't do it cause I can"

My lips formed into a smile "Well then, I hope you can fulfil our request. We'll pay you once we get our dresses tomorrow"

Sage looked at me funny "Payment!? The hell are you talking about? I am doing this for publicity and to show my masterpiece so you three are my models, got that?"

"We got it Sage" Stacy answered as she was leaning at a wall beside the door

The idea of walking around with the dress that Sage will be creating from the dresses we bought would be a game-changer once we entered the entrance doors to the prom, Sage was jumping a little from excitement

"Just don't make us look like prostitutes okay?" I asked worriedly which made Sage laugh "I won't make you look like a prostitute, you'll end up looking more like an elegant woman at the end of the night"

His words assured me since if there is one thing when they say sexy it was always showing too much skin and that was very uncomfortable on my part, we all spend some more time together before Sage left first to start changing the designs on our dresses

When night time came around the doctor told me that I was free to go so my Dad and Matt were with me on the ride home, Dad has to go back to the hospital to be with Mom so Matt was left in charge

"No funny business alright and certainly no sexy dresses at your prom tomorrow" Matt told me, I raised my brow to him and smiled as my hands are crossed "I won't"

I ran upstairs excited to message Leo on the phone

Carly: I'm home right now, what are you doing?

Honey 💛: Looking for some snacks at the pantry to munch on, wait, you're home already?

Carly: yeah, the doctor said that it was okay for me to go home, Matt is in charge of watching over me and the house

Honey 💛: Are you sure you can go to prom tomorrow? Since it's fine with me that we can skip it together and just spend time at your home watching Mean Girls you know?

I chuckled at his message

Carly: You watch Mean Girls?

Honey 💛: last year Mom and my Aunt forced me to watch it with them, I ended up liking the movie

Carly: You mean your Aunt Molly?

Honey 💛: Yeah, I swear I have memorized every damn line in that movie just like the back of my hand

Carly: Me, Stacy and Natasha have planned something for the prom tomorrow

Honey 💛: What is it?

Carly: You'll see it tomorrow 😁

Leo was calling me so I answered it as I put the phone near my ear "C'mon love just tell meeeee" He pleaded

I giggled "I told you, you will see it tomorrow"

I can already imagine him getting frustrated that he wanted to know what we planned for tomorrow that he was getting curious even more "If this is about getting laid I have my principles you know" he joked

"It's not about getting laid, get your dirty mind out of the clouds Honey" I scolded him and I could hear his heartwarming laugh at the other end of the line, "So what? That is the best part about me too isn't it?"

My eyes rolled on their own at his ego "The best part about you is your cooking"

"Then if you loved my cooking so much why don't you marry it then?"

"If I can I would, but the person who has it right now is you so yeah, it would be almost exactly like I married you"

"I was surprised that Mom planned our wedding without us knowing it" he chuckled lowly

"I truly love the idea of marrying you but of course we are still kids, we should at least finish college and learn more about each other before making that big decision" I told him and I can hear him agreeing with me

"Can't wait when that day comes"

"Me too"

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