Watchful Eye

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Leo's POV
My girlfriend is so f*cking cool, she won't hesitate to be physical with guys. Suddenly all the memories of her that I can remember since the first time I saw her walk into the school as a new girl

The bullies didn't last much for a week because they were always brought to the clinic every time they would try to make an encounter with her, that's when sick rumors are starting to form and people would just either ignore her or make up a stupid of an excuse to exclude her from other groups when making a project

But somehow she can do it all by herself, there was this one difficult project where everyone is grouped into eight people per group and the teacher let us pick our group mates. She would be left out and become the center of being comforted by teachers

She would her eyes that time and said "I'll do it myself" she snatched the paper from the teacher's hand and sat back on her chair

The next week was hell because everybody was having a hard time on the project that even groups will collab with other groups for help, she never did that but in a landslide, she unexpectedly got the perfect score all to herself

The moment she said "F*ck it" is the moment she just wanted to finish a task and I like that about her, it is a very relatable attitude

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into their home while glaring at her brothers as she walked by them, her brothers are scary

The trio was never that scary as people assume at first when they appeared in school but things started to change when someone tried to provoke Matt and it ended with him being in a near-death situation, Carly might somehow be also involved with that incident so she was summoned to the principal's office during class lecture

Carly's POV
"Those three better not be trying to make a plan" I muttered to myself and sat Leo down on the couch

"You want refreshments?" I asked him and he answered me with a "Sure, sounds great"

My brothers helped each other up at the entrance, I went to the kitchen to pour us an apple juice when suddenly we heard the telephone ring loudly. Leo answered it for all of us and his eyes immediately went wide "Thank you sir, we'll be on our way" he puts the phone down

I gave him the apple juice and I asked "Who was calling?"

"The detective"

All three of my brothers stared at him, "Did you just say the detective?" Sean asked him and Leo nodded

Matt immediately got up from the floor and walked up to us "So? What did he say?"

"Great news, we found a lead to the location of the psychopathic scientist named Elijah Audelair" Leo copied what he said what the detective told him on the phone, the glass of Apple juice that I was holding slipped out of my hands

I don't know what's this feeling like I have felt a wave of relief wash over me since I was so relieved that we found a lead it was making me jump around like a happy kangaroo

Leo's POV
Carly was squealing happily while jumping and twirling around the house, she pulled Jasper in and he jumped alongside her. He has a puzzled face but he copied his sister anyway so she wouldn't feel weird or left out

Her parents came back from the garage and their look was also puzzled as to why their daughter is jumping around happily, Carly told the news to her parents and their sullen mood disappear and was replaced with happiness

Tomorrow is the company Christmas party I hope she would accept my invitation that she could attend it with me, being the person who will host the party is going to be nerve-wracking but at least if my girlfriend is there for support I might feel better about it

I should introduce her to my mentor during my practice she might enjoy it, I talked to Mom about it and she has no problem inviting Carly too

There was this horrible gut feeling like something bad is going to happen but I dismissed it anyway, it must have been from everything that has been happening this year. After the party I should gift her a promise ring, she might like it

••••••A few hours later••••••

Carly's POV
Leo looks like he is about to say something to me but it looks like he is having a hard time putting it into words, we were in the backyard garden helping out my Mom plant the new flowers that came from the nursery

Every time he opens his mouth he closes it instantly and shoes his head slightly, I nudged him using my arm "Are you okay?"

He nodded "Yeah, um...can I ask you something?"

"Hm? What is it?" I raised both of my brows to him, the sweat is falling at the side of my face since we are just planting under the shade of the tree but the sun heat won't cooperate. Sure it's Christmas season but it's still hot when the sun is out

He planted the tulips first before talking "I know you hate talking to new people but I want to bring you to my family's company ball Christmas party"

I blinked multiple times and pointed to myself "You want me to go to your family's company ball Christmas party?"

He chuckled "Yes love"

"But what about your admirers aren't they gonna hate me if I go? If there is one thing I know for sure when I started dating you is that there will always be girls who would glare at me. I don't want to ruin your party"

"Don't worry Mom and Kathrina are keeping a watchful eye" he assured he with a small smile

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