F You Merlin

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Leo's POV
I was woken up suddenly when someone heavy jumped to sit on my bed and sit on my legs in the process making me sit up instantly

"F*ck you Merlin" I muttered and he flipped me off while grinning

There was a pebble thrown from my window and I stood up and walked to open it to find Kevin and Hunter who was all suited up for prom, Jeremy was leaning at my door "Aren't you supposed to get ready?" He asked me

"It's 5 hours early you dumbass"

He pretended a fake hurt expression at me, Merlin was in my closet looking for my suit "You better get your ass up cause we need to get to your girlfriend da house early, I assumed they are already waking Carly up too"

"But Carly hates being woke up" I said as I pulled out my suit already ironed and ready to wear

I can't imagine her annoyed face when she is being woken up 5 hours early before prom, she would've just listened to her girl friends anyway. I dragged myself to the bathroom and took a bath then dried myself putting on the suit

I was having a hard time fixing the tie when I stepped out of the bathroom, we heard someone clear their throat and all of our eyes went to Mom who was already in my room. She looked both at Jeremy and Merlin "Could I talk to my son for a moment please?" She asked them politely

They both agreed and walked out of my room for a moment closing the door on their way out, Mom sighed happily as she looked at me then stepped closer to fix my tie "You look great" she beamed

"Thanks" I smiled, she was wearing her camera around her neck

She fixed the camera lace around her neck "I'll be taking a lot of photos for the album so you better look your best"

I rolled my eyes "Mom, I always looked my best" I said which resulted in her hitting my shoulder as I laugh

"I'm serious young man, what would your future children say if their dad looked like a haggard mess on his prom?" She said to me with both hands on her waist, her comment made my eyes wide

"And here you are again still looking into my future, do you wanna be a grandma that bad?" I joked

"I wouldn't mind but you're inheriting my business so at least finish college first, so don't even think about doing it with Carly" she pointed her finger at me with a threatening look

I scoffed "As if you didn't plan my marriage early on with her Mom" I crossed my arms and grinned proudly

She fixed her hair as she squinted her eyes at me "That was my early preparation just in case, lovers like you two might make that decision but you need to consult us before we can set the date of your marriage" she stuck her tongue out at me

"Usually after you both graduate" she added

"At high school?" I raised a brow at her and she nodded

"That could be arranged, I don't know how you both will feel if you spend your College life as a married couple. That is a bit too early" Mom added

If going to college while being married to Carly sounds like a dream, I think it would be a hassle since we have to focus on our studies and graduate together. My door suddenly was slammed open and both Merlin and Jeremy fell down

"Boys" Mom said
Jeremy stood up quickly dusting off the dust from his sleeve "Sorry Miss Xavier" they both gave Mom a sheepish grin, she sighed then gave them a small smile before walking out of my room

"Big bro!" I heard Kathrina say my name loudly as her eyes glitter from seeing me in a suit, she shyly walked into my room when she saw Merlin and Jeremy

"She must be embarrassed in front of new people she hasn't met" I thought, she circled around me excitedly then to the both of them

She stopped to look at me "Where are you guys going? Can I come? I can wear my Belle dress" she eagerly said with excitement and Bruce walked in after she said it

Jeremy was the first to lift the duck up "Cool I always wanted to have a duck as a pet but Mom wouldn't let me"

Merlin gave me a bewildered look "Since when did you have a duck as a pet?" He walked closer to Jeremy who was holding Bruce and try to pat his head when Bruce quacked at him loudly making Merlin step back

"Careful he might attack you" Ross said beside me which almost scared the hell out of me

I punched his arm "How the hell did you get in here!?"

He looked at me funny "I walked in after Bruce, seems you don't care about your dear old friend Xavier" he complained

"If I didn't care about you, we would still be at each other's throats when I saw you trying to flirt with Carly before" I smiled and put an elbow on his shoulder

He scoffed then rolled his eyes "You guys weren't even dating and you were in your f*ck boy phase"

Kathrina tugged my hand "Big bro what's a f*ck boy phase?" She asked innocently, I forgot to cover her ears. I cracked my knuckles and turned to Ross "You couldn't contain that sailor mouth of yours, do you?"

"Look dude I forgot that she was in the room" he explained to me as he took a step backwards

I gave him the look "How on earth could you forget my 7-year-old little sister in my room, hm?" I forced a grin

"Now hold on Leo, if you kill me now you might go to prison" Ross put a hand up to try and stop me

"So?" I asked him as I clearly didn't care he said a bad word in front of my innocent little sister and now she will keep asking me and Mom about it

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