Chapter 7

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"He's blind?" Wade was sitting (upside down, might I add) on Peter's office chair while Matt was sitting on the bed, he was reading until Pete came bursting through the door, talking about these 2 new people who have moved into the tower.

"Yeah! Can't see anything, apparently. They are also really close."
"Close as in close? Or close as in clooooossseee?" Wade held the last word, doing something weird with his eyebrows and winking at Peter. Peter rolled his eyes, "I don't know. I mean, they were nice to me, the blond one, Luke? Was a little brash, but fine. The other one, Percy, I think, he was sweet. Not really intimidating though." Wade and Peter jumped from a sudden snort from the bed. Matt, who up until now had been silent, spoke up.
"Yeah, not intimidating? They were accused of being terrorists. I don't trust them, they seem off."
"Can't you hear when someone is lying to you?" Wade pointed a finger at Matt. Matt gave him a deadpanned look, "No shit, some people can control their heartbeats, ya know."
"Yeah, but you wouldn't know, you didn't interview them. But ya also didn't meet them. You're judge-y. I don't like that, I don't like you." Wade rolled off the chair and walked towards the window, "I'm out, bye fuckers!" Wade jumped out the window.
"Ya know, I feel bad for the people who'll have to see that." Peter walked over to the bed and plopped down onto Matt's lap, letting out a grunt.
"Ya know, Wade wasn't wrong, you really shouldn't judge them if you haven't met them. They didn't seem like bad people, and when I was walking down the hallway they were literally just talking about the room and bantering. Nothing illegal." Matt shook his head at Peter's antics and closed his book.
"I know. It just seems weird, these guys literally appeared out of nowhere, no explanation. Something is off and I want to find out what it is."
Peter sat up and looked at Matt, a soft smile on his face, "I know, you hate not knowing things, we can figure this out. I'll help if you want but for now, I'm tired." Peter later down, properly on the bed, dragging Matt down with him.

Just saying, Matt, Peter, and Wade are all in their 20's. I'm not even gonna try and address timeline, lol. This is fan fiction! Also, this update is so soon! I'm getting better! I've been in a mode to write, so I'm writing more, I will probably be writing more often now, actually. Be ready for that. Anyway,

Till next time,
~ Phoenix

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