Chapter 10

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Hermes sighed as he entered the room occupied  with 5 other gods who all looked up at him as he entered.
"That bad?" Poseidon questioned as Hermes sat down and dragged a hand over his face.
"Kind of? I don't know, Luke seemed pissed off and protective while Percy just looked done with the whole situation. We really fucked up, didn't we?" Hermes raised his head, looking at the other gods, desperation clear on his face.
"Hey," Hestia placed a delicate hand onto Hermes shoulder, "it's not your fault, you were not the one to ban them from our world, that was Zeus. We all tried to fight for them, don't be too hard on yourself, Hermes." Hermes gave a small smile to Hestia.

"So what do we do now, then? They hate us, don't even want to be in the same room as us," Ares crossed his arms, leaning against one of the chairs next to him, "so how the fu-" Hestia glared at him, "fudge are we supposed to continue?"
"Oh please, you say that like we need their help for something." Athena tolled her eyes.
"We do, Athena. Zeus has gone nuts and is begging to start something." Ares huffed, glaring at the wisdom goddess.
The other 5 were mildly surprised with Ares. Not only did he want to help Percy, he was talking shit about Zeus. Out loud.

"Look, right now the only thing I care about is getting my son back. Zeus can shove his head up his ass for all I care." Poseidon stated, Hermes agreeing.

"Ladies, ladies," the 6 turned at the sound of the god of the underworld walking into the room. Made sense due to the fact they were in HIS castle. Dionysus rolled his eyes at the god.
"All this disagreement is getting us nowhere. As much as I hate to say it, my brother is right," Poseidon smirked, "we need to get the two back into our world. I happen to actually like my nephew, his choice of spouse concerns me though." Hermes glared at gothic god.

Hestia stood from her chair, making everyone in the room look at her, "So it's agreed, we try and get the boys to at least trust us again," Hestia looked at Ares, "and we DON'T use them for our own issues. We just want them back. As much as you lot hate to say it, we care. Especially about the two who saved our asses."

The gods dispersed soon after that, deciding that Hestia should try and talk to them. Hopefully, if it went well, the gods could have their heroes back. Zeus be damned.


Ima be honest, I kinda hate this chapter. But it is what it is. I posted something tho!! Yay? Lol. I hope you guys like it, the next chapter is hopefully a bit better.
Btw, I know everyone is a bit ooc, but I don't really care, I like to think the gods are better than they really are and I will continue to live in the naivety, thank you very much. But seriously, I don't really know how to write 'em well, so this is what y'all get. Hope you enjoyed!

'Till next time,

Blind Percy JacksonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon