Chapter 9

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There was a god in the living room. Percy knew the moment he stepped in the room, he may have been exiled but he can still sense the fuckers. Luke just scowled at him, gripping Percy's arm tighter.
"Well, look who we have here." Hermes raised an eyebrow, smirking at the two men.
"What do you want, Hermes." Luke glared harder at his father, practically lighting him on fire with the heat of his stare.
"Is it so bad for me to want to see my son and son-in-law?" The god raised a hand to his chest, mocking offense.
Percy rolled his eyes, feeling the tension between the father and son. If he was being honest, he didn't mind Hermes, he'd helped him plenty throughout the quests and he's not even responsible for the whole exile thing. Yes, he could've been a better father, but all the gods are shit at that anyway.
Percy moved forwards, towards the couch. Luke released his grip, cutting off his stare at Hermes to watch his boyfriend.
"Ya know, if you just randomly appear in buildings people are gonna start questioning what the fuck you are up to. Well, more like what the fuck you are." Percy plopped down on the couch, tilting his head in Hermes' direction, "that excluding the fact that everyone in this building is already suspicious of us, adding you into the picture does us no favors. Why are you here, Hermes?" Percy stared dead at Hermes as he asked that, freaking him out a bit. The kid may be semi-retired (be it by force or not) but he could still freak out a god.
"I- uh, I came to check up on you guys," the god looked down, "not everyone agreed with this whole 'exile' thing, ya know. As much as we neglect our kids, we do care." The god looked over at his son, who was still scowling, but it had softened a bit.
"Look, I get that and all, but we've been doing fine on our own, we don't need the gods, all they ever did to us was fuck us over." Luke walked (read: stomped) over to Percy on the couch, sitting down.
Hermes looked at the two, lost for what to do next. He shook his head and sighed, teleporting out.
It was silent for a moment until, "He's gone, isn't he." Percy asked into the air, tilting his head slightly towards Luke. Luke slouched back on the couch, "Yep."

They cuddled for the rest of the day, unaware that a certain someone had seen and heard a bit of that interaction...

Dun dun duuun!
Yo I actually added to this fucking story! I really want to thank everyone who's stuck with me so far, I am so sorry for the long wait, I hope you like the story still, tho! I can't believe how far it's come! Please, keep up the comments and great feedback. I plan on going back to some past chapters and fixing some points where I fucked up, lol.
Also, I've started a twitch stream channel! I will try and stream as often as possible, but it's probably gonna be as sporadic as here, lol. The channel name is PhoenixFeather002
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
'Till next time,


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