Chapter 4

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Percy is 20, Luke is 22 (age is a little off, probably some plot-holes, but I don't give a shit about plot-holes, it's FanFiction!)

8-9 years ago, idk, I suck at math.


Percy screamed as he heard his mother's screams for him to leave end. He couldn't see her, but he just knew. She's gone. She's never coming back. Gone.

"Percy!! Cmon, get through the barrier!!" Percy looked over at Grover, well, in his vicinity, and sprinted towards him, just as he passed out again. Percy realized then just what he had to do. He got up and took out the pen, praying to whatever dirty was up there, most likely Greek due to the FREAKING MINOTAUR classing after him, and uncapped it. He felt the weight of a sword in his right hand, he yelled and charged after the thing.

He could feel the heat radiating off the thing, it's almost like he could feel it's presence. That made this easier. He felt it coming towards him and, as if on instinct, ducked to the side, rolling underneath it, feeling the rush of wind as it flew by, his sword forgotten on the ground. He jumped up to his feet, steadying himself on the tree. He felt it coming towards him and thought fast, the tree! He ducked last second, rolling himself underneath the thing, finding himself behind it while it horn was stuck in the tree. He jumped onto its back and ripped off its horn, he went flying Bach, landing on his side. Percy got up, panting. He braced himself for rolling again as it came, the Minotaur comes racing towards him, full sprint and Percy slides underneath, bringing up the horn and slicing the belly of the Minotaur open. The thing bursts into gold dust, covering Percy.

Running on adrenaline, Percy rushed over as fast as possible to where he last heard Grover, patting around the ground until he tapped Grover's arm. Percy picked him up and started yelling whilst running in a random direction, also known as where he thought this 'barrier' was.
"Over here!"
A voice shouted from behind him. Percy turned, and sprinted towards the voice, hopping that it was a good voice, that they could help. While running he felt like he ran through something? the barrier! Bingo! He collapsed in a heap of limbs and goat legs on the ground, the adrenaline rush dying out. As soon as he hit the ground he let the ropes of sleep consume him.

(Let's go to another POV, kind of, let's just follow Luke, who I think we all know as 'the voice that may-or-may-not be a good voice' in this chapter.)

As soon as we heard screaming coming from the barrier we knew it was another demigod. We were at lunch at the time, just chatting when we heard it, a frantic cry of "NOOOO" then some other commotion. Almost every camper raced towards the barrier and what we saw kind of surprised us. A kid, maybe 11-12 was fighting the Minotaur and WINNING! He had ripped off its horn and just dove under, then POOF! Monster dust! Wow. He ran over towards Grover, picked him up and started...running away? Wtf?
"HEY! Over here!!" I yelled, he turned around. He looked conflicted but ran towards us, mostly at least. As soon as he crossed the barrier he collapsed and passed out.
"Ok, what the HADES just happened?!" One of the older campers, Charlie Beckandorf (sp??) I think, asked out loud.

We got the kid to the intermarry and I was assigned to watch over him. When he woke up it was kind of a start. He looked around, but it's like he didn't even see me.
"Hello? Who's there?!"
What? He legit looked right at me?! What is he, bli... Oh shit.

HEY!!!! Sry for the long wait, I honestly didn't know what to write, so I pulled this out of my ass last minister and... its honest-to-god shit. I'm sorry. I'm keeping it, but I know it sucks. Anyway, yes this is a cliffhanger for a flash back, I just liked that ending for this chapter, I also thought it was a good idea for some background. I'm not going through the whole set of books, I don't like when anyone does that, so I'm not doing that, I'm just probably doing this one, maybe like a few more, but not many.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's shit, but enjoy it anyway. I'll continue with the story next chapter so that we get a break from flash-y time (I'm officially calling it that, deal with it) and also so you don't forget. HAVE FUUUUUNN !!!

Till next time!

Blind Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now