Chapter 2

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So, I don't pay attention to my own description, so that's nice. The description is partially wrong, I'm too lazy to change it sooooo... deal with it.

ON WITH THE FICTION OF FANS!!!! (Who am I? Thor?!)

"Hey Chiron! What's up?" Percy asked, walking over to one of the free couches with Luke by his side. Luke took the seat next to him, Chiron in front of them, looking grim.
"Hey Percy, Luke." He nods in greeting. "You have both been summons to Olympus, they said it was important, they also said only the 2 of you." Chiron says, seeing the look on Percy's face. They nod their heads, "Anything else? Do you know why they need us?" Luke asked, curious.
"No, they just said it was important." Chiron ended the conversation. The couple left the big house and left to walk to Olympus, they had time.


Luke and Percy entered the Empire State Building side by side, Luke leading Percy, and Percy holding his cane (is that what it's called? Sorry if I'm offending anyone with my cluelessness, please correct me!!), just to make sure since they're in the mortal world after all. They walked up to the front desk, the guy, (who we still don't know the name of btw,) was reading his magazine. Seriously though, how does he NEVER get tired of those?! Whatever, anyway, they walked up to the desk and stood for a four 10 seconds, before Percy got impatient and slammed his hand down on the desk, causing the man to jump. He looked up and when he saw who it was his face immediately drained of color. He shakily handed the key to the 2 expectant demigods, and watched them walk to the Elevator.

(Is it just me or is this slow? I think it's time for a time skip...)

At the doors, Luke watched (baffled, but he'd never admit it) as Percy literally KICKED the doors open, and walk in. The gods and goddesses all looked at them, amazed, some annoyed at the interruption. They perked up though when they saw who walked in, well, except for 6.
"DEMIGODS!!" Zeus bellowed, glaring them down, "Yes?" Luke said.
"You've been accused of conspiring against Olympus! How do you plead? Meh, don't care anyway, We would kill you, but I have some kindness in my heart, so you are herby banished from Olympus, as well as both camps!!" Zeus stated, matter-of-factory. The 2 lovers just stared, they looked at all the gods, Hestia looked upset and disappointed, she also sent them a sorry look, Poseidon and Hermès both looked like they wanted to kill Zeus, the most surprising ones though were Dionysus, Ares, and Athena all looked pissed as well, glaring daggers at Zeus.

Percy just was down right furious, "And here I thought you all learned something?! Ya know what?! FINE! Be like that! I am actually glad that I don't have to do your bidding anymore!! But just see how long you survive without your best 'play toys' Zeus!" And with that, leaving the gods all baffled, the 6 though, we're all smug, and happy that Percy stood up for himself, mostly. They left, Percy dragging Luke behind him, using the cane because he was WAY too furious to focus on where he was going. They then left Olympus for the last time... or is it?

Heeeeeyyyy... so, long time no see? No? Ok. Look, I'm sorry, I'll try and post more often, I know I'm INCREDIBLY late, but hey, I was just unmotivated, but it's better to wait and have a decent chapter, than for me to post some shit-ass chapter instead. You're welcome. Anyway, I will now get this story really going, and I'm probably going to skip a year or so, so yeah.

Anyway, please comment... you're favorite PJO ship, mine is perluke, if you could not tell. Well, I will leave you now,

Till next time!


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