ɪ.ᴠɪ - ғᴇᴇʟs ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴅᴇᴊᴀ ᴠᴜ̈

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"For a second in time, it felt like everything halted as a memory is being repeated

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"For a second in time, it felt like everything halted as a memory is being repeated. It felt just like Deja vü."

☔︎ ᴠɪ - ғᴇᴇʟs ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴅᴇᴊᴀ ᴠᴜ̈
Volume 1

In situations like these, anyone would have demonstrated their hands up to the sky, begging to participate. A dreaming hope, to participate in activities such as a dangerous objective to retrieve. Training, every second of your existing life, to partake the mystery behind the protective dome. Verity, recalls a time she would have been one of the individuals to eagerly run towards these opportunities. The young hero, even has felt flattered when being called forward for the moment, the determination that would spike within her chest and the warmth, of those trusting her blindly. It was under just a circumstance, going against the odds of the world, alongside her sibling, Percy.

The girl was merely young, a bright soul entering this environment. It was when she believed being chosen for the hardships was honorable, that it meant those above power, saw potential within their skills. A sign that those superior from them were watching; aware of their own fresh blood's capacities, admiring that they have brought into this world, a soul they can say is their child. To partake in such quests, despite the objectives were opportunities for demigods like herself, to prove to the gods, that their choices were not mistaken. To prove themselves worthy, to show even themselves, they have achieved a moment in history. Yet, when would an individual have enough of these unspoken opportunities? The constant summoning of her presence, the amount of struggles, bloodshed, purity being lost, horror; it all became clear within time, these quests weren't for the reasons each beginner thought, it wasn't for the glory, the respect, acknowledgement, or their godly-parent demonstrating their love. Everything they've ever succeeded in, was not only to live to see another day, but to be used as pawns in a chess game they cannot control. A gamble for gods and goddesses to use whenever they cannot proceed to attend a human job in regulations of ancient laws.

Most demigods would argue against the fates to use them as pieces, some refusing to play, some determined to win and some never returning. The safe haven for demigods roams with fear lurking behind each individual mind, though it all vanished once Verity entered camp. She understood each cabin, their fears, goals, and still treated them as equal; even Clarisse, which gained her the hidden liking from the Ares girl. Verity was different off quests— happily assisting as many demigods as she could, comforting them, reading stories to the younger ones, providing ease in a healing treatment, gave the Ares Cabin a fight for training, set off light-hearted pranks with the Stoll twins, sacrificed herself to be the doll for Aphrodite kids and somehow ended up playing the Ol' game of pinochle with the centaur of camp and a god that was punished. Her aura just gave off a comfort of security, radiated faithfulness, genuine emotions, yet it was also proven to be her fatal flaw.

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