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"I'm telling you, for the last time, 'Jingle Bells' is a winter song, not a Christmas song," Clint argued, exasperatedly, using his emphatic state to send a ping-pong ball flying across the room.

"And I'm saying that it's only played at Christmas time, same as 'Let it Snow,'" Natasha countered, retrieving the ball that had bounced across the floor, catching Lucy's attention.

Harry lounged on the couch, watching the duo's back and forth, though he couldn't decide if the game of ping-pong or the conversation was more interesting to follow.

"I think I have to agree with Natasha on this one," Bruce interjected, looking up from his book that he had been reading peacefully, despite the loud banter in the background. "Neither of them reference Christmas at all, but they're only played at Christmas time and not after."

Clint huffed at he hit the ball across the table, and Harry stifled a laugh at the archer's obvious pouting.

"You think it's funny?" Clint squinted at Harry when he was unable to contain his snickering. "What is your take on all of it?"

"I'm staying out of this," Harry held up his hands in surrender, shaking his head as he laughed. Natasha took advantage of Clint's distractedness, and sent the ball sailing past him. Steve, who had been curled up with a sketch book resting on the arm of the couch, reached out and grabbed the ball effortlessly before it hit Bucky, who was laying with his head in Steve's lap, halfway to a nap.

Tony strode into the room, his hand intertwined with Pepper's.

"What's all this arguing about?" He asked, taking a seat on the couch beside Harry, making sure to reach down and give Lucy some love before pulling Pepper down into his lap.

"Is Jingle Bells a winter song or a Christmas song?" Clint exclaimed. The veins in his forehead seemed to be bulging, and he was looking at Tony with such intensity that Harry thought he might make Tony's head explode.

"Winter song, obviously," Tony said, and Clint pumped both fists in the air, looking around the room triumphantly. Harry glanced at his dad, who just turned and winked at him. Natasha just rolled her eyes, and took the opportunity to score another point while Clint was boasting.

Harry's phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen, seeing Peter's name pop up.

Peter: At the Tower. Where are you guys at?

Harry began typing, glancing up at Clint let out a whoop of joy at scoring a point that Natasha had evidently let him score.

Harry: In the lounge downstairs. Nat is beating Clint at ping-pong. Bad.

Three dots appeared, and a moment later, Peter's next message appeared.

Peter: Well I have to come watch that. Be right down. 

Harry smiled and clicked his phone off, setting it on the table and reaching down to stroke Lucy's soft fur. She had just gotten a bath, and her fur seemed even softer than normal and Harry found himself unable to resist running his hands through it at all times.

The elevator doors dinged, and Peter appeared, warranting a half-hearted greeting from both Natasha and Clint who were wired into the match.

"Hey Pete, how's it going?" Tony smiled as his mentee walked in. Between the holidays and finals week, Peter's presence had been abnormally scarce in the Tower. The team had grown accustomed to him spending the afternoons with them either in the Penthouse or at the bakery, but life had been in the way over the past few weeks, limiting his time with Harry and the Avengers.

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