- XII -

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(A/N: TRIGGER WARNING ON THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!! It's important to note that this chapter will go into in depth and graphic descriptions of self harm, suicidal thoughts, mentions of abuse! If you're sensitive to these, please do not read this chapter! That being said, this is a longer chapter, which is why it took so long to update, but I wanted to make sure that I was writing this as seriously as I could, because it is a serious topic. I personally have not dealt with anything like this, but I know people that have, and it is a serious topic that is different for everyone. Since nobody has the exact same experience, please bare with me on how accurate this is to any personal experiences you may have had or known about. Stay safe, and thanks for reading.)


"This is Beckham. Dursley's gone, issue a search warrant immediately. I think he's gone for the boy."


"Hey kid," Tony smiled, looking up from the Stark Pad as Harry stumbled into the kitchen. "What're you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep. Gonna make breakfast," Harry responded, arching his shoulders back in a stretch. He was finding that all of his injuries over the years were catching up with him, and he would often times wake up stiff and sore.

"Need any help? I'm not doing anything important," Tony flipped the Stark Pad over and set it face down on the countertop.

"That's okay," Harry couldn't help but wrinkle his nose at Tony's offer. No offense to the man, but he was not a good cook.

Tony came to the same realization at about the same time and he shuddered. "Yeah that's probably best."

Harry gave a small chuckle as he reached for a bowl from one of the cabinets. He stood on his tip toes, trying desperately to reach the bowl that was shoved against the back of the compartment, but he was just a bit too short.

Suddenly, hands reached over his head and grabbed the bowl, setting it on the counter. Harry turned around to see Tony, standing close to him, and the conversation from yesterday came flooding back to him.

Tony Stark wanted to adopt him.

"Thanks," Harry blushed, a grin on his face as he remembered how excited Pepper and the rest of the Avengers (including Peter) were last night when he and Tony had told them at dinner.

"What if we ordered donuts this morning from that bakery down the street that you like, and you and I can catch up on the Star Wars movies?" Tony asked with a wink. He knew that Harry wouldn't be able to resist an offer like that.

Peter had been appalled by the fact that Harry had never even heard of Star Wars, much less watched the movies. So he, along with Tony and Clint, decided to introduce the movies to Harry last night. Unfortunately, Peter had to leave half way through the first movie, and Harry fell asleep in Tony's lap shortly after.

"Deal," Harry grinned, and Tony returned the bowl to its home on the shelf before the two walked into the living room and plopped down on the sectional.

"Blanket?" Tony questioned with a smirk as Harry curled up into a ball and pulled his large sweatshirt down over his knees. Harry gave a small nod, and Tony couldn't help but laugh at the resemblance between him and Peter's movie- watching mannerisms.

Soon, a blanket was being draped around Harry's shoulders, and Tony was settling on the couch next to him, remote in hand.

"-Breaking news this morning," the news anchor on the TV's default channel began, and Tony was about to flip back to resume the movie, when the headline caught his eye.

"Vernon Dursley, a man released on bail after being charged with child abuse, has escaped this morning. Officials say he may be heading to America-"

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