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(A/N: Hi everyone! Sorry it's taken so long to update, but I haven't had much time, and when I have, I haven't had any inspiration. Sorry if this one is a bit jumpy and rough, but I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate the individual epilogues, and Bruce's was unfortunately the hardest one to write. I didn't focus on him a whole lot throughout this story which made it tough, but hopefully these epilogues will get a bit better as we continue on with the more well-established characters! Thank you so much for your patience with me, and thanks for reading!! Stay safe and healthy everyone!)



"I want you to meet Abigail."

Just those six words alone were enough to make Bruce's heart drop.

The arm he had wrapped around Caroline as they watched a movie, stiffened. Caroline, at feeling him tense, turned so she was facing him.

"Bruce, I really like you. We've been dating for several months, I think it's only right you meet my daughter. She really wants to meet you," Caroline explained, voice soft.

"I... I don't know that I can. I'm not good around kids," Bruce stammered, shifting his weight away from Caroline, who now sat up with a concerned expression on her face.

"Hey, I've seen you with Harry and Peter. You're great with them," she reassured, reaching out to touch his arm. But at seeing him flinch back, she lowered her hand once more, trying to keep the hurt out of her expression.

"That's... different. They're teenagers. Around younger kids, I'm... I'm dangerous."

He said the last word in a whisper, as if he were ashamed. Caroline's heart broke as she listened to how guilty Bruce sounded.

"Hey, listen to me," Caroline grabbed his hands seriously, making sure that his gaze was meeting hers.

"I've met dangerous people. I've brought them into my daughter's life before, and I swore I'd never do it again. That's why I'm trusting you to meet her. You're not dangerous, Bruce. You're the sweetest, kindest, gentlest man that I've ever met. You'd protect us, not harm us, and I trust you."

Bruce glanced down at their hands, Caroline's smaller ones on top of his.

"Can we meet in a quiet place? Somewhere that won't be overstimulating? I just... I don't want to go anywhere that could cause me to, well... you know," Bruce asked finally, looking back up to meet his girlfriend's eyes.

Caroline's face broke out into a wide grin.

"Of course, baby," she leaned in and gave him a soft, sweet kiss.

"And... Nevermind, sorry," Bruce cut himself off.

"No, what is it?" Caroline redirected. "I promise I'm not going to judge you."

"I was just going to ask- and we don't have to- but... do you mind if we do it soon? Like, today? I just... I don't want to talk myself out of it. And, I promise it has nothing to do with my relationship with you. I love you, and I do want to meet Abigail, I'm just... I'm scared," Bruce rambled, voice fading as he admitted the truth.

"There's nothing to be scared of, Bruce. You won't hurt her," Caroline assured.

"What if she doesn't like me?"

There, the question was out in the open. The full reason that Bruce was afraid.

If Abigail didn't like him, what would happen with Caroline? If Abigail didn't like him, he wouldn't feel as though things could progress any further, as much as he loved her. He wouldn't be comfortable proposing, or finding a place to move in together with her, not if Abigail didn't like him.

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