tony and pepper

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(A/N: Okay, yeah, it's been a bit... sorry about that. I'm dropping in with a MASSIVE epilogue for Tony and Pepper, so I hope you'll forgive me. Also, I have set myself up for a continuity nightmare with these epilogues, so please excuse that as well LOL. Without further ado, I give you the second to last epilogue! Enjoy!)


"Tony, I swear on all things good in this world, if your ass is not here in 10 minutes, I will personally make sure you and Pepper never procreate."

"Well good morning to you too, sunshine," Tony grinned, answering the call.

"Tony," Natasha growled on the other end of the line. "Where the hell are you?"

"Somewhere over the Atlantic at the moment. But don't get your leather pants in a wad, I'll be back in a few minutes. I just had to pick up a few things."

"Pick up a few things? Over the ocean?" Tony could practically hear the eye roll on the other end of the line.

"Without Pepper in bed beside me last night I couldn't sleep, so I made a quick trip to Paris this morning in the suit to a café that she likes. Picked up some breakfast that I'll have someone drop off to her."

"You are absolutely ridiculous, did you know that?"

"You might have told me once or twice," Tony grinned, knowing that he was succeeding in irritating her.

"Just get here before Bruce starts hulking out. I think there's some sort of rule against the groom leaving the country the day of his wedding."

"I can see the Tower from here. I'll be there in about 83 seconds, give or take the amount of time I have to wait on the elevator."

"Goodbye Tony."

He chuckled to himself as the call disconnected and the suit soared towards Stark Tower.

He had barely had any time to land before Bruce was storming out on to the roof towards him.

"Are you out of your mind?" He shouted.

"Good morning Bruce," Tony greeted as he stepped out of the suit, careful as he held the box with Pepper's breakfast inside.

"You can't just fly to Paris on the morning of your wedding!"

"Funny, I think Natasha just told me the same thing, and yet, here I am," Tony shrugged. "Now, where's Harry at? I was going to have him run this over to Pepper's room for me."

"He's getting dressed right now, which is what you should be doing," Bruce began ushering Tony into the elevator.

"I've got an hour and a half until we need to be there. It'll all be okay, that's plenty of time."

"Says that man who spends 45 minutes getting ready on a normal morning," Bruce muttered.

"What, you think all of this comes natural?" Tony waved a hand in front of his face for emphasis. "It doesn't hurt anyone to establish a skin care routine."

The ding of the elevator sounded and Tony thought he heard Bruce mutter something along the lines of "saved by the bell."

"I'll take this and personally deliver it to Pepper. Right now, I need you to go get in the shower and start getting ready," Bruce instructed, pushing Tony towards his room.

Tony put his hands up and the air and made his way down the hall. When he entered his room, he was surprised to find Harry sitting on his bed.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?"

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