- XXIV -

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"I'll tell you what you're not going to do, Mr. Potter," the voice of Poppy Pomfrey declared as she smoothed out her robes, stepping in front of Professor McGonagall and Ginny. "You're not going to let this man, god or not, mess with your memories. At least, not without some adult consent."


"Ma-Madam Pomfrey?" Harry stammered, eyes wide with surprise as he took in the sight of the three witches standing before him.

"I see that the trend of not being able to stay out of hospital beds stays true throughout the summer as well," the medi-witch mashed her lips together as she took a step towards the bed.

"I-" Harry was cut off my the door to the room flying open to reveal a very pissed off Tony Stark.

"Don't get any closer," the billionaire declared, the glove of his suit already formed around his hand in preparation for a fight. Behind him, Peter stood, web slingers prepped and ready, and Steve slightly behind him, ready for any hand to hand combat.

"You okay kid?" Tony glanced at Harry over his shoulder and he gave a shaky nod.

"And what're you doing?" Tony turned to Loki, who was standing off to the side between Harry and the strangers that had just appeared. "I thought I told you to wait for me."

"I was just trying to hurry things along," Loki replied smoothly.

"I'll deal with you later," Tony growled, turning back to the three women. "Who the hell are you?"

Minerva stepped forward, positioning herself in front of Poppy a bit. Tony raised his arm, ready to put up a fight if need be, but Minerva just held up her hands in surrender.

"I am Minerva McGonagall. I'm a professor at Harry's old school," she explained. "We were a bit concerned when we didn't receive Harry's letter confirming his attendance this next term, and so we've been looking for him. This," she gestured to Poppy, "is Poppy Pomfrey, the nurse at our school, and this is Ginny Weasley, she's a classmate of Harry's."

Suddenly, a horrible thought occurred to Harry.

"Wait, Professor," he cried, feeling the all-too-familiar constricting in his chest as panic set in.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?" McGonagall replied, turning towards her student.

"I-I told them. About- well, about Hogwarts and... am I in trouble? Am I going to get arrested? Do I have to go to court again- oh Merlin," Harry began rambling, scratching at his neck and collarbone like he did when he was about to have a panic attack.

"Everybody needs to get out now!" A voice called, making everyone, including Loki and Tony turn around. Peter was standing there, looking very serious. He glanced towards Tony, motioning towards Harry with his head, and Tony nodded.

"The kid's right. Everyone out, right now. We'll settle this somewhere else," Tony barked.

"But-" Ginny began to protest.

"Now!" Peter commanded, voice hard as steel as he made his way over to Harry's bed. As soon as he was in reach, Harry grasped at Peter's hand, gripping it tightly in his own. Peter brought his other hand to the side of Harry's face, beginning to stroke his cheek gently.

Ginny watched the interaction between the two, a small smile pulling at the corner of her lips. She had had a crush on Harry since first year, but she had always known that he wasn't into her, or many girls in general. She had seen the way he would stare at Fred and George, and practically drool over Bill and Charlie over holidays when he would join them for family gatherings.

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