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Harry turned to Peter, searching his face for any trace of an opinion. But Peter was just looking at Harry with comforting and encouraging big, brown eyes.

And Harry knew what he was going to do.

"I want to stay with you. I want to go home to America and move past this part of my life. I want to live my happily ever afters with the team. I want to get married and have a family in New York. I want to get a job, maybe open a bakery. I don't want to return to Hogwarts. I want to go home."


Silence filled the room for a moment while everyone processed what Harry had just said.

"Alright, Mr. Potter. We will respect your wishes. Merlin knows we owe you that much," Minerva replied quietly, bowing her head. As much as she hated letting such a powerful young wizard slip through her grasp, she knew that forcing Harry to do anything would make him feel trapped and full of resentment.

"Minerva, he cannot just leave the wizarding world on his own. He needs to be emancipated!" Poppy whispered from behind her.

"Well than it's a good thing tomorrow is Mr. Potter's sixteenth birthday," Minerva's eyes twinkled brightly as she gave Harry a small smile. "He'll be an adult, and will legally be emancipated."

Harry's jaw dropped. He had completely forgotten about his birthday! His birthday had never been celebrated, at least not to the best of his memory. His parents may have thrown him a first birthday party, but they would have been in hiding at the time so it was possible that they hadn't. Either way, his birthday was something he always secretly looked forwards to regardless.

Although this year, he doubted there would be any owls at the window, weighed down with parcels and letters that wished him a happy birthday.

"Tomorrow's your birthday?!" Peter exclaimed, turning to Harry with his mouth open in surprise. "You didn't say anything!"

"I suppose I forgot. Or lost track of time. It's not really a big deal," Harry shrugged, reigning in his previous thoughts and shock about his birthday and putting on a neutral expression.

"It is too a big deal!" Tony cried, standing up. "You're going to be sixteen! That's a big milestone!"

"Tony's right," Steve nodded, and Tony whirled around in mock-shock.

"Did you just agree with me?" He gasped, clutching at his chest.

"It happens occasionally," Steve sighed. "But sixteen is a big deal! We threw Peter a surprise birthday party for his sixteenth!"

"Please no surprise parties," Harry quickly said, eyes widening at the thought.

"Fine, no surprise parties. But you have to let us help you celebrate!" Pepper rose to her feet and walked over to stand next to Tony.

"I'm fine, really. There's no need to make a fuss over me," Harry shook his head, face flushing bright red.

"Oh hush, Mr. Potter. Really, you should let them throw you a party. Humor them, and me," McGonagall teased, winking at her favorite student. "I'll owl you the paperwork from Gringotts and once you sign, you'll cut all legal ties to the wizarding world. But that doesn't mean you're not still welcome. I expect you to visit me occasionally, yes?"

"Okay Professor," Harry gave her a small smile, and she reached out to pat the back of his hand fondly.

"You stay safe, and I do wish you the best of luck with your new family," she gave him one final smile before turning around linking arms with Ginny and Poppy, both of who gave him one last wave and small, sad smiles, before pulling out her wand.

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