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(A/N: Hello everyone! I would like to remind everyone that this is a story, and I have close to no idea what happens during a court case, especially dealing with a custody battle. So please keep that in mind if you decide you want to critique my writing- this is a fanfiction and it's definitely not going to be realistic 24/7. However, if you can stick with me through that, I'm excited about what the next few chapters have in store! Thank you for reading, and I hope you're still enjoying! Stay safe and healthy everyone!)


*The next day-- morning of the trial*

The night had been restless. Everyone had tossed and turned, barely getting any sleep as they worried about what the trial would bring.

For Tony, it wasn't so much the results of the trial he was afraid of- though it did scare him to no end thinking about the worst case scenarios- but it was more the fear of his past being brought up, and having Harry hear as his name and reputation was drug through the mud.

But he had changed- he wasn't the same person he had been years ago, before he became Iron Man. He had settled down, and found the woman who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He had changed the ways of his company, and he had welcomed the rest of the Avengers into the Tower with open arms.

Harry found himself unable to sleep as well, knowing that Tony was only a few feet away from him in the bed with Pepper, awake as well. He was terrified that Petunia would pull something out of her ass, and would somehow win custody of him once more. But he was even more terrified about sharing his story in front of so many people.

It was such a private thing, that he wasn't comfortable with people knowing. He knew that Tony had demanded that no reporters be allowed in the courtroom, but he knew that the press always had a way of sneaking their way into things. In disguises, with secret recording devices locked and ready to catch their victims in the most vulnerable moments.

Morning somehow came all too quickly, though the night had seemed to drag on forever. The alarm buzzed at 5:30 a.m, signaling that it was time to get up and get ready.

The entire team resembled zombies as they all got ready in the apartment style hotel room, meeting in the connected living room area when they were finished.

"The trial starts at 9, but we've got a meeting with the lawyer in an hour," Tony announced, the last to walk into the living room. His facial hair was freshly manicured, meticulously trimmed in an attempt to make himself seem more put together than he was feeling inside. His tie was draped around his neck, the sides both hanging down limply, as his hands had been too shaky to mess with it.

Without saying anything, Pepper stepped over to him and calmly began to tie it, planting a kiss on his cheek when she finished. Tony's hand found hers, and his intertwined his fingers with her own and held her hand at his side.

Even a blind person could see how nervous everyone was.

"This is happening. Is everyone ready?" Tony took a deep breath. Looking around the room, everyone bowed their heads and looked to where their hands were folded in their laps.

Letting out a slow sigh, Tony nodded sadly.

"Yeah. Me neither."


Harry hadn't expected it to be this loud. Every time he had seen a courtroom on TV shows or movies that he had watched with the team or Peter, every courtroom had been so silent that you could hear the drop of a pin.

But now, everyone was chatting, talking amongst their selves casually, as if today wasn't a life changing day for him.

"This is probably a loaded question, but how are you doing?" Steve asked, reaching over the divider between where he sat on a wooden bench, and Harry sat in a padded chair at a table. He grasped Harry's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as Harry gave him a panicked look.

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