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"I've got some good news and bad news," Tony sighed, walking into the living room where Peter, Harry, and the rest of the team were sitting.

"What is it?" Bruce asked, brow furrowing as he frowned.

"Loki and Thor just sent a message saying they can't make it until tomorrow evening, but the good news is, I've been informed that the Dursley's house is unoccupied at the moment, so we can go get Harry's stuff," he turned to face Harry. "If you want to go get it, that is. I'm sure someone would be more than willing to go get it for you, or, we understand if you don't want it at all too."

"No! I want it!" Harry cried, straightening up a bit from his position lying against Peter. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. "I want to go get it. This is something I need to do."

A relieved and proud smile appeared on Tony's face, and affectionately ruffled both Harry and Peter's hair.

"When are we going?" Harry asked, standing up. "Can we go this afternoon?"

"Can we fly to England this afternoon?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

"...Yes?" Harry replied, searching the billionaire's face for any sign of an answer.

Tony crossed his arms and rocked back on one foot for a moment, tilting his head as he thought before flashing a bright grin. "What's the point of having a private jet if you can't use it to make trips to another country in the middle of a day?"

"Tony, I can't go today, I have that conference," Pepper stood up and placed a hand on his arm, a worried and disappointed look on her face.

"I can go," Natasha offered, and both Tony and Pepper turned around. "If you want a second person to go with you, I can go."

"Harry, is that alright with you?" Tony asked, and Harry nodded.

"I want to go too," Peter chimed in.

"Absolutely not, kid. You're supposed to go home today as it is, and you're aunt is definitely not going to approve of you flying across the ocean to run a 10 minute errand with us," Tony lectured.

"Tony, I'm not sure I want Harry going," Bruce spoke, making everyone turn and look at him.

"Bruce," Harry pleaded.

"I'm serious, Harry. You've had a rough past few days, and your body is recovering. As it is, your fever just broke a few hours ago. And now you want to fly across the Atlantic? I'm not so sure it's a good idea."

"C'mon Bruce," Tony held up his hands. "Nothing's going to happen. I'll make sure he takes a nap on the plane, and he's not straining himself in any way at the house. We'll be back by 9. 10 tops."

"Plus, we're going to be with him. If he gets sick, we'll turn around and come straight back," Nat added, and Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Plus, I think getting out of the tower will help me get better, don't you think Bruce?" Harry turned to the doctor with puppy dog eyes so strong that they near-matched Peter's, and Bruce crumbled immediately.

"Alright, alright. But you take a nap there and back, okay? And, I swear to God, if I hear you spiked a fever- even a tiny one- and didn't come back immediately? You're never leaving my sight again, got it?"

Tony, Nat, Harry, and for some reason Peter, gulped with a nod.

The man was scary in doctor mode.

"Can we go now? I can't wait to show you my Firebolt!" Harry exclaimed, becoming more animated by the second. It was the bubbliest anyone had seen him in almost a week.

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